Tag Archives: Streams

The Asiatic Tooth Carps

Somewhere down in the drain ditches, ponds, and fast-moving streams are the little wonders of life, known as the Asiatic Tooth Carps. The Genera Aplochelilus and Oryzias carps reside in water conditions between 70 degrees Fahrenheit and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The Tooth Carps tend to live off surface areas, which the fish detest hard alkalinity waters. Tooth Carbs inhabitant home enables them to feast on insects, such as mosquito larvae and related bugs. Tooth Carbs on occasion will enjoy dried foods, however while in captivity you should continue feeding the Tooth Carps their desired foods.

Tooth Carps prefer to live in smaller or medium aquariums, which have a maximum of 10 gallons of water. The fish adore moderate hard water, and reasonably, acid based where deposits of organic debris reside. The peaty waters should include fine leaf plants, gravel free of lime, and plants that float.

How they spawn

The Tooth Carps will produce a rapid growth of spawn. The fish mate well, and will produce a small number of eggs daily over the course of three weeks. Tooth Carps will not harm the spawn; however once they become fry, the Carps tend to feast on its own kind. If you want to save the fry, move mom and pops out of the tank before the eggs hatch. Aquarists also have the option of removing the eggs to another tank, which is loaded with plants. The first choice is the better option for aquarists, since the method takes less time to accomplish. In addition, when the eggs fry, you want to occasionally sort through the carp size to avoid cannibalism.

Kin to the Tooth Carps is the Dwarf of Green Panchax, which is sometimes called the Panchax Parvus. This breed comes from the Aplocheilus blocki group. Dwarf fish originated in the waters of Ceylon and India. The fish mature at 1 ¾ in size. The smaller fish are aquarium choice fish. Dwarf of Green Panchax has a green-yellow shaded body, which is set off by rows of yellow and red marks. Dwarf of Green Panchax can handle tank water, since the fish is naturally mild in temper. Dwarf of Green Panchax feasts on dried and live dishes.

Water conditions
During breeding the Dwarf of Green Panchax, prefer water conditions set at 78 degrees Fahrenheit. When spawns are produced, they generally fry in two weeks, sometimes earlier. You should mate the Dwarf of Green Panchax with two choice males and a selection of female fish.

Kin to the Dwarf of Green Panchax is the Oryzias latipes, which is popularly known as the Geisha Girl Medaka. The fish is commonly known as the Ricefish and Japanese Medaka as well. Obviously, the fish comes from Japan. Geisha Girl Medaka typically grows ½ inches in size. Geisha Girl Medaka has an amusing breeding pattern, which makes this an amusing fish. The fish has gray-green bodies, which the Strain kin has golden or red toned bodies. The fish are colorless.

Geisha Girl Medaka breeds will feast on all foodstuff, and adapt well in soft moderate waters. The fish also adapt to soft acidy waters. If you choose acidy waters, it is recommended that you add 1-leveled teaspoon of salt to 3 gallons of water. The fish dwell in water conditions, or temperatures set at 78 degrees Fahrenheit, which is the best option. The fish can also live in waters at 75 degrees Fahrenheit and up to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Finally, if you are breeding the Geisha Girl Medaka or members of this family you can spot the female by their rounded fins and plumper body. As well, the fish are shorter than their male counterpart.

Learn about endangered sharks and sharks habitat at the Types Of Sharks site.

Fishing Tips: How to Find Fish

Catching fish is easier to do when you know where they are. In this article on fishing tips we will give you some pointers to help you understand where fish live.

Fish are going to be everywhere there are water, food, oxygen, and protection. However there are different types of fish and they all live in different types of water. They all need different amounts of oxygen, salt, amounts of food, different water temperatures, in different areas to hide.

Salt is a particularly distinguishing characteristic for fish. Some fish prefer to be where there is a lot of salt why others do not want any salt at all. Some fish must have salt to survive while others are more of a freshwater type of fish.

North America is particularly known for the amount of fresh water lakes and ponds and streams. This is where you will catch carp, bass, bluegill, catfish, and other types of fish.

The opposite would be a fish that prefers salty water like you find in an ocean. Common types of fish you will find in salt water include cod, flounder, bluefish, trout, and tuna.

Oxygen is an important factor when it comes to the type of fish you will find. All fish need a certain amount of oxygen to survive. Trout for example need a larger amount of oxygen to survive. Anywhere there are lots of plants you will find higher levels of oxygen.

Some fish need more food to survive. Certain bodies of water will have more food than others and the types of food available vary as well. All fish need to eat and the amount of competition for the food affects the type of fish in that particular area.

Water temperatures vary and this determines the type of fish you will find as well. Some fish are more flexible than others and can live in a wide range of temperatures.

Other fish need either particularly warm or cold water to survive. Trout for example will only be found in cold water. If you are looking for a certain type of fish you need to learn about the type of water it prefers before fishing in that area.

Another factor that humans can directly impact is the quality of the water. Keeping it unpolluted is important and most fish need good water to survive.

This is a few fishing tips on how to find where fish are living. As you can see there are several factors including salt, oxygen, temperature, food, and the quality of water that all come into play.

William Hutchinson invites you to visit his Hobby Fishing Tips website for many more how to fishing tips to help you improve your fishing techniques and become a better fisherman. Visit his website now====> http://hobbyfishingtips.com