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The True Story Of The Black Koi Carp Fish

Koi enthusiasts are aware of the great variety of colors and patterns associated with Koi Fish, and Black Koi are not much different to other Koi varieties outside of their coloring. Koi have been know for their incredible extended life span of up to two hundred years, but on average, with proper care and diet, they generally live between twenty-five to thirty-five years. If you have ever wondered how to distinguish the female from the male Koi, the one with the concave anal section is the male. Males Koi might also be recognized by a display of breeding spots or markings on the head. Black Koi fish, like all other Koi, spawn between spring and summer and can yield a result of as many as 1,000 eggs. Fry is the term used for baby Koi. Fry tend to begin emerging within four to seven days. This depends largely on water temperature. Then only after about three to twelve weeks of age do Fry begin to color.

These magnificent fish only came in a few color variations when the Japanese began breeding them from carp mutations. But throughout the years, with more breeding came more color variations and combinations of patterns, marking Koi Fish as a beautiful breed of fish indeed.

Black Koi specifically can mature to a length of thirty-six inches. For this reason, as it is with all Koi, it is a necessity to maintain a large pond for their environment. If a large pond is not manageable, then it is best to keep only a few Koi at a time. One of the first all black mutations, the Magoi species, can mature to an even larger size. In actuality, Black Koi are a rich bronze color but they look black when observed from above. The possibilities in Mogoi size brought about the reintroduction of their blood into other species. This is to maximize and hasten the potential of their growth.

A particular species of Black Koi fish is the Karasu. Karasu is the Japanese meaning “crow”. Like other Koi fish, the Karasu is an extremely old species. It is typically characterized by black fins and a black body, and can also be marked with a white or orange belly.

The environment and their diet directly affect Koi fish color. Typically, Koi will change color going from a duller or brighter shade. It is the Matsukawabake Koi species which posses the ability to change color, and it is the Black Koi that generally displays white areas on its body. However, this Koi Fish can turn completely black or completely white according to season changes or changes in water temperature. But, when conditions change this Koi Fish amazingly returns to its original pattern.

The most popular of the Black Koi species is the Kumonryu, which first appeared in the1980’s. Markings of the Kumonryu reminded some early observers of the bodies of dragons depicted in ancient paintings, while others imagined the fish to look like dragons ascending through white clouds in the sky, thus the meaning of Kumonryu “dragon fish”. These Koi have the ability to change their color in the same manner as the Matsukawabake.

The large variety of colors that Koi come in has been one of the attractions that draws pond owners to Koi, and an even bigger attraction is the idea of owning a fish with the ability to literally change color right before your very eyes. This characteristic is common in some of the Black Koi species.

Get your FREE 10 day Koi Carp Fish Care mini course, today. Michael C. Harris is a Koi specialist. For more great tips on Black Koi, Koi care, breeding and Koi pond construction and maintenance, visit the koi fish school today.

The Gasteropelecidae Fish

Tank maintenance is based on the fish type. However, today’s tanks have switches that enable you to change the water temperature. In addition, tanks today enable you to dim or intensify tank lights with switches. Water is purified via a filtration system. The quality of water is controlled by electronic devices. Automated features enable you to distribute food, as well as fertilize dosage. The water resistant tanks today come in a variety of shapes in size, and use electrical advanced solutions to maintain safety. In addition, tanks today enable you to stock plants and fish of all species. The lights today can be adjusted to accommodate most fish types. Still, fish are different in many ways. To understand this, you must have an overall ideal of what the 22,000 species prefer. The fish types include the freshwater fish, which its counterparts are Coldwater fish and the tropical fish. Seawater or saltwater fish is a different species, i.e. the fish prefer dissimilar water conditions and meals. In addition, the dangerous species on the market must also be learnt before you attempt to purchase these breeds. The dangerous species include the Piranhas. In addition, we have fish that fly, which is our next subject.

The fish that fly

Gasteropelecidae include the Hatchetfishes. The fish are marked for its pressed exceptionally deepen figure. This fish primarily habitats in the northern South America. The fish is also called the flying fish, since he is proficient in flapping his chest fins skillfully. The gliders can escape tank water and land fifteen feet away from the aquarium. Therefore, it is wise to keep a hood on your tank to avoid loss.

Akin to the Hatchetfish is the Carnegiella Marthae. This popularly known Blackwing Hatchetfish originated in the Amazons, Orinoco, Peru, Rio Negro, and Venezuela. The Hatchetfish from this breed grow at 1 and ¼ inches in size. The Hatchetfish are small fishes, which have a black chest. The ridge like parts or keel is also black. The tank species relate better in peaceful waters, or fish of his breed. The fish is small, and has a quiet and calm nature. Hatchetfish of this breed will accept all foods, and prefers soft water condition, yet will relate to insignificant acidy waters. The fish breeds similar to the Hyphessobrycon. There is no available information as to how the fish breed however.

Gasteropelecus Levis or the Silver Hatchetfish comes from the lower regions of the Amazon. This fish grows around 2 ½ inches in size. The silver colors of this fish are setoff by blue-blackish thin parallel stripes. As long as tank conditions are good this fish can habitat in communal tanks. The vigorous fish feeds in the same way as other Hatchetfishes. The water conditions are expected to be the same as other Hatchetfishes as well. This fish in particular has no records of breeding in aquariums.

Outside of the Hatchetfish rests the Family of Cyprinidae. This family includes the Carp-like fish and the Carps. The fish come from a large body of bony families, which spread out through the lands of North America, Asia, Europe, and Africa. This classical fish have pharyngeal bones, which make up for teeth. A few types of Carp fish have a set of barbel fins, which make up for adipose fins. Carps grow up to 8 feet.

The Indian Mahseer Carp known as Barbus tor is the largest Carp breed. Carps are freshwater fish, which includes the family of minnows. The fish sometimes have round scales, which include soft fins. As well, the fish have toothless jaws. Minnows are freshwater baitfish akin to the carps.

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