The Bolt Rig is a term used to describe the way a particular set up is fished.
When using the bolt rig, you use a peice of fishing line 10 – 20 inches which allows the carp the freedom to move away after it has taken the bait into its mouth. When the carp moves away the hook length tightens up to the weight/lead causing the hook to prick the carps mouth, making the carp panic as it feels this prick and bolt off at speed, dragging the weight/lead along with it, consequently this drives the hook home and the carps own power against the weight/lead has caused the carp to hook itself.
The bolt rig is probably the most successful method of fishing a bottom bait, with the self-hooking mechanism decreasing the chance of the carp ejecting the hook, as the more the carp “bolts” away, the firmer the hook hold.
Find the best carp fishing rods at Redfins Angling at discount prices. We sell huge range of Fox fishing rods, Daiwa fishing rods and Wychwood Carp fishing rods at very competitive prices. Video Rating: 0 / 5
Web-site: This our very first ever video Harry’s talks us through his new Carp Fishing set up, and we follow him through his first ever days Carp Fishing. Where he is put through his paces and gets to grips with new equipment on a Cheshire runs water, Turners Pool. This video contains screaming runs, plenty of fish on the bank, and explains the method he’s using to put them on the bank. A young Chris Yates in the making. A good first day was had, well done Harry. for more information on this venue and many more please visit our website. Thanks for watching for bait boat fishing reviews comparing advantages via features of different radio controlled bait boats Don’t we all love the peace of nature while angling for some great carps? Next thing, I am sitting at a pool full of carps and I need to select a great spot for my swim. In the best case you have been feeding the fish frequently over weeks at the same location, which could give you a pretty good chance of encountering quite some large carps at your sweet spot. Yet we need to take the risk to get tangled up ,disturbing other anglers, to end up after several attempts on our favourite spot and finding out after having lost valuable quality fishing time, that the sweet spot is not the favourite spot for the sort of fish you are angling for. We prefer to be capable to situate the carps and get our fishing rig and lure to that position with utmost precision at minimal risk. We require an instrument to carry both bait and hook to the place full of fish. Thanks to modern technology we have the perfect solution via a wireless controlled bait boat. If the rc bait boat is fitted with a fish discoverer, you can finally fulfil all the aspirations of a real carp or pike angler: find the ideal fishing spot and get yourself over to that perfect position with rig and bait to catch them fish. These radio controlled bait boats come in different taste and flavours, so when selecting your rc bait boat you need to always keep in mind your goal and your needs. Do you … Video Rating: 5 / 5
A short clip showing the Waverunner in use on the water Video Rating: 4 / 5
Why isn’t Carp fishing in the USA as popular as it is in Europe?
I’m often wondering why in the USA there isn’t as much interest in fishing for Carp as there is in Europe. I’ve tried to explain it to several people, I wish I knew the real answer, but here goes. From what I’m told is that the Carp here in the U.S. are not as tasty as European Carp, true or false? Personally I don’t think that’s really why. The other reason I heard is the Carp in Europe are HUGE compared to ours. I’m going to investegate a little more and report back, so in the meantime watch these videos and watch us fishing for Carp in the U.S.
Here is another one caught by my father, at the Carters lake in GA, USA. This big common was one of the biggest ones we cought so far from Carters lake. We could’t weigh it because we had no scale, but I guess you guys can guess ho much it weighs. We will have a scale for our future videos, hopefully. Enjoy and comment. Thanks Video Rating: 4 / 5
Carp Fishing in Tennessee featuring John Bramley of K-1 Baits and using tackle and baits from K-1 Baits & Tackle, End Zone Terminal Tackle and Resistance Tackle. Video Rating: 4 / 5
We’re going to try to educate our fishing members here in the U.S.A. about Bait Boats. They’ve been using them a long time overseas to improve the chances of landing more Carp. A Bait Boat is a simple concept, really. A bait boat is just a remote control boat, with a few added features. Can’t I just go to Walmart and pick me up a rc boat, you might ask? Well, no, here’s why. The concept of the bait boat is simple, Take advantage of the range and precision of the remote control boat to deliver fish food, more commonly known to us as Chum to a specific spot to attract the Carp. The part about chumming the fish has been tried many ways throughout history, but until the Bait Boat came along it was never as efficient.
John Bramley of K-1 Baits using the Hi-Sport Bait Boat (Watch for the take literally seconds after dropping the bait) Enjoy… Video Rating: 3 / 5
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