Tag Archives: Fishing Bait

Homemade Carp Bait Design – Formulating Your Own Recipes for Big Fish!

Homemade Carp Bait Design – Formulating Your Own Recipes for Big Fish!

Being able to formulate your own homemade carp bait recipes is such a powerful edge! Even if you happen to be a commercial bait maker, the same skills and knowledge and creativity apply. So how can you do it as a beginner or reasonably skilled bait-making angler? Read on for some great expert tips you probably will never read anywhere else!

I speak to a number of commercial bait makers on a regular basis as friends, and I am intrigued at how there really is little difference between the process of formulating homemade baits compared to commercial ones. They both have to work on a variety of waters all year round and work instantly, and have the capability to out-fish competing baits due to special features, components or other actions or characteristics etc that they may offer.

But do not be confused about the word instant. In fact highly nutritionally-stimulating baits can very easily have great edges over over-flavoured baits. Also, highly stimulating nutritional baits can be over-flavoured; many lines of concepts and approaches to bait design can cross-over, blend and enhance each other. This really struck me when I did some bait testing of various substances for Rod Hutchinson among others around the late eighties when I knew the boilie base mixes had been optimised for nutritional attraction, but were also used with sometimes very significant levels of flavours, and these worked extremely successfully for me as I experimented with different flavour levels!

A good homemade bait maker will maximise his baits for maximum effect, whether he is fishing waters dominated by brands of popular readymade baits or not. One flaw of many anglers fixation with recipes is that you do not necessarily need highly complex recipes to catch loads of fish. For instance there have been countless occasions when a great flavour used in a very low nutritional value bait has caught the biggest fish in a lake long with very significant numbers of other fish. The butyrate in pineapple flavour for instance can be enhanced in various ways so that when it is used even very simple carbohydrate-based baits (which are really basically flavour carriers,) results are pretty good.

Unfortunately there appears to be a mindset among far too anglers these days that for instance a yellow bait should mean it has a pineapple flavour. This kind of thinking really is hilarious and shows just how illogical thinking about baits by many carp anglers has become. For a start, why should you use a yellow bait, why should you use a bait with any significant flavour anyway, and even why should you even use a standard boilie bait at all? How many anglers even know which components within most pineapple flavours actually initiate any response by carp at all?

How many anglers have figured out what tones carp most easily detect in what light and water conditions anyway? It takes work and often long experience to figure out such things in real fishing terms and not merely in theoretical terms. But so many anglers just want it all on a plate, given to them instantly, with a minimum of thought involved. Obviously this mindset leads to stagnation of thinking processes and development of development of the angler in many ways that ruins otherwise great chances and potential opportunities for catches that anglers are simply not aware of! And of course then the bait or rig or conditions or whatever else gets the blame for poor results!

So for you thinking anglers reading this, (and I know you are many otherwise why would you be this article,) an enquiring mind is never satiated, just like a carp should never be satisfied after eating your baits; he should always want more and more!

So now, how about me giving you a few suggestions for formulating your own homemade baits! What kinds of ideas might help you that might well make a difference? Well firstly, do not begin with recipes and do not begin with ingredients. Consider where carp live, how they evolved their bodies in response to the available nutrition they have had in their environment for millennia.

Could it be that the availability of protein-rich mussel, snails and bloodworm for instance influence how external and internal senses and have become extremely sensitive to minute levels of excretions such organisms expel into the water column; thus making them detectable to hungry fish needing the nutrition within those organisms in order to survive. What about digestive juice excretions along the length of the digestive tract of carp and the efficiency of the wall of the tract to absorb digested nutrition; what natural substances and materials have influenced the optimum performance of this structure and the processes that are performed by the body chemistry, and physically too?

When you begin your design with the fish and realise that everything in your bait must be detected by fish within a water environment not an air environment, that too really has a great bearing on your choices and decisions about how important different aspects of your bait will be and how to optimise your baits and their performance most appropriately. For instance it is far better not to boil you baits in water. Apart from damage to nutritional factors that stimulate fish feeding and habitual aspects about baits in regards to repetitive fish feeding, boiling in just water simply leaches out an enormous volume of materials that really should only be leached out when you fish with those baits.

The skins of baits boiled in water are very much leached of attraction to the degree that the smell of the coagulated eggs in baits boiled like this are very obviously apparent; this is definitely not a good thing in the competitive world of carp fishing today, but much worse, you have lost performance!

If you are boiling your baits and the water you boil you baits in is obviously pretty attractive after your boiling of baits that is an obvious sign that you have just lost loads of potential bait performance by losing substances you just leached out of your baits into the boiled water. If nothing else if you must boil baits, add things like molasses, or a sweetener, or enhancer or a syrup, or a soluble extract, or fruit juice or a puree or soluble fish meal, Oxo or Marmite or pure vanilla extract or maple syrup or whatever in order to replace something of what is lost!

Ideally you will fast steam baits if you do heat you baits, but remember that heating baits to make hard baits is certainly far from absolutely necessary. It used to be the case that most leading carp anglers did their fishing using soft soluble paste baits; and these baits caught loads of record carp you know!

So I guess you still want a recipe or some choices for recipes of your own to adapt. OK so you know that starting out your design from the fish perspective is the way to approach things. This means that literally everything you put into your bait has a very significant reason for being there! For instance, the core of a bait might be low temperature fish meal which is an exceptional digestible nutritional food source. You might decide to bind this with perhaps whey protein concentrate.

This exceptional soluble milk provides extremely high quality protein among other factors. You do not need to get into first limiting amino acids etc unless you really do have all the technical data on every single ingredient in your bait; The vast majority of carp baits work in spite of not being optimised for digestion efficiency and much of the protein in high nutritional value baits is not digested nor assimilated for a variety of reasons anyway!

Caseins have been a part of carp bait making for so many years. These have fantastic track record, and various forms can be combined to take best advantage of their impressive essential amino acid profiles which they supply to carp. 90 mesh acid casein for example provides soft centred baits for less dense, softer moister more soluble base mixes when made and can be utilised in an extremely wide range of bait applications. 30 mesh acid casein is a prime ingredient for many applications not just boilies, and pop-up or paste baits. It is ideal for harder more resilient baits against nuisance fish for example and helps binding. Casein has unique properties and a protein content in excess of 90 percent.

Calcium caseinate has been traditionally used in boilies pastes and pop-up mixes in varying levels depending on the buoyancy and density and solubility required as it can be utilised to for all these purposes. It may be used at 4 or 5 ounces per pound in base mixes and even 6 or 7 ounces in buoyant baits. Soluble milk ingredients are a very significant part of carp bait history through the decades so you can imagine how important they are.

I will diverge a bit here and just say you can make a very effective bait just using ordinary wheat flour, betaine, a liquid amino acid, vitamin, mineral and trace element complex along with a subtle flavour, plus maybe additional enhancers, bioactive and metabolic factors, maybe enzyme active substances, and a mixture of protein-based and carbohydrate-based sweeteners. In other words you can easily make fish respond to baits even if they are not high in protein. You base mix does not have to be high in protein at all. In fact it is pretty obvious that much of the proteins available in the very high protein baits of the seventies era for example could not be utilised by carp due to limiting factors for one thing!

Protein ingredients are certainly stimulatory to carp; in fact carp are exceptionally sensitive to the key amines they require for basic survival as the providers of the building blocks of life. They contribute to the make-up of essential substances in carp and humans too, for things such as transporting oxygen to where it is required in chemical processes, and in the production of digestive juices for example. Yes proteins are very vital for life, but certainly not the only answer when formulating successful fishing baits for carp, or catfish, or barbel, or tench or whatever.

I say this because for example, these fish and individuals within each fish species and strain are taste specific, meaning they are more sensitive to various taste substances, and different smell-related components. For example you can do very well on a bait with a particular flavour, but then if you add a particular edible dye in order to produce a highly visual bait you can easily transform that bait into a different maybe less successful bait due to the E numbers in the dye masking significant triggers and attractors within the bait, and such E numbers may even prove to be repellent even though they are classed as edible!

Remember that carp are more than doubly as sensitive as dogs OK! So here is some more food for thought, and I hope this has got your little grey cells buzzing! Revealed in my unique readymade bait and homemade bait carp and catfish bait secrets ebooks is far more powerful information look up my unique website (Baitbigfish) and see my biography below for details of my ebooks deals right now!

By Tim Richardson.

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How Much Carp Bait Should I Throw In?

How Much Carp Bait Should I Throw In?

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Home Page > Sports and Fitness > Fishing > How Much Carp Bait Should I Throw In?

How Much Carp Bait Should I Throw In?

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Posted: Nov 15, 2010 |

How many boilies should you throw into a lake? Funny, isn’t it? The most simple of things can be the most important. Put too little bait in and the fish might swim right past. Put too much in and you risk overfeeding the swim. So how much is too much?

It’s tricky really, different situations may warrant different amounts, and the time of day, time of year, prevailing weather conditions, fish stock, angling pressure and a whole host of other factors may all influence the amount I’ll put in.

The one thing you can be sure of is that you can always put more bait it, but you can never take it out, so it often pays to err on the side of caution, at least until you can suss out what’s going on. The main thing that will influence the amount I put in will be the length of my stay. If I’m only there for a few hours, I want to maximise the chances of the fish picking up my hookbait, so the more freebait I put in, the less the chance any passing fish will pick up my hookbait among the first. As such, on short sessions I’ll often just put out a six bait PVA stringer, or cast out a bait and throw ten or twenty baits close to the hookbait.

If it’s a water I fish regularly, and I know the fish like a bit of bait, then obviously I’ll put more in, and if it’s a spot I know stands a good chance of producing, then again I might add more bait, and the longer my intended stay, the more bait I will introduce. So, for example, if I know I’m on for 24 hours and baiting a spot in the summer which I know stands a very good chance of a fish or two, I might start off by introducing as much as half a kilo of bait. It’s worth adding that others I know might add three times as much, it’s all about having confidence in your own approach; some like a lot of bait, others prefer to start off small, but as I say, I’d rather add more based on results, than put too much in right at the start and kill my chances.

That said, there are times where I’ll chuck it in by the bucket load! One of the best ways to increase your chances of catching is to pre-bait. By regularly introducing feed to an area you are fishing, say two or three times a week, then you will get the fish used to finding a regular supply of free food in that spot. Then, when you drop in and fish it, you can put less bait in but be confident the fish will visit the area regularly as they are used to finding food there, yet when fishing it you’ve only had to put a small amount out. Whenever logistically possible, I’ll pre bait waters I’m campaigning on as you can literally add half as many fish again to your tally.

Likewise, there are certain waters, at certain times, where based off previous experience you know they’re going to have it! There is one water I used to fish down in Kent which I only fished perhaps once a year, but when I did, I knew they really liked my bait. As my sessions were usually three or four nights, I’d really pile it in at the start, with several kilos going in one each spot just to start, then as soon as the fish started coming to the bank I’d keep topping up with more two or three times a day.

This venue formed the basis if some of my carp fishing articles on Anglers’ Net:

If it’s a tricky water where takes are few and far between, I’ll reign back on the freebait, and in some cases may just put one single hookbait out, especially in cold weather, so it’s all about trying to read the water, the conditions and the pressure at the time of your session.

As a final thought, you should also give a thought to what may have just occurred before you arrived – is it possible somebody has piled a load of bait into the swim before you arrived? I’ve fished waters in the past that used to get hammered with bait, so I’d often drop in and fish singles, or small stringers to pick up the fish whilst all around sat with silent buzzers.

At the end of the day there’s never one perfect amount, but there’s often a perfect starting point. My advice would be to keep it light and build as the fish come to the bank.

Julian Grattidge

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Elton Murphy
About the Author:

Julian Grattidge is a regular carp fishing contributor to http://www.anglersnet.co.uk/. He lives in the UK, and although he fishes mainly for carp, also enjoys most freshwater fishing.

Julian is also a major contributor to http://www.carpfishingsecrets.com/, where his no-nonsense approach to carp fishing goes down well with newcomers and seasoned carp anglers alike.

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Article Tags:
carp, fishing, bait, boilies

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Julian Grattidge is a regular carp fishing contributor to http://www.anglersnet.co.uk/. He lives in the UK, and although he fishes mainly for carp, also enjoys most freshwater fishing.

Julian is also a major contributor to http://www.carpfishingsecrets.com/, where his no-nonsense approach to carp fishing goes down well with newcomers and seasoned carp anglers alike.

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Nut, seed and pulse baits for carp have always been outstanding. With so many carp anglers using marine, fish, and meat based baits today, being different represents a massive competitive advantage – so try out some seriously potent, habit-forming nut based homemade baits and recipes instead! Read on to discover more about how to drive your carp wild right and boost your catches big-time right now!

One of the simplest ways to make a nut bait is to buy a readymade semolina and soya base mix (or make this yourself for less money,) and add your nut ingredients and additives to this. Two of the most well proven carp bait nut ingredients are tiger nut meal and roasted peanut meal (technically tiger nuts are not actually nuts but nut sedge tubers.) The options for making endless forms of unique nut baits are very exciting, and offer many varied effects, special nutritional properties and other beneficial characteristics.

You could perhaps try beginning by using any homemade bait base mix with around 50 percent or more of nut ingredients. One of the greatest edges of incorporating tiger nut meals etc into your base mixes is not merely the sugars and oils or carbohydrate content, but the powerful digestion-boosting impacts of its unique fibre. In the case of peanuts, and almonds for instances it is the alkaloids content that make them even more habit-forming.

Walnuts and other nuts such as macadamia nuts, hazelnuts, and pistachio nuts need using too – these have potent lipids and some particularly stimulating bioactive factors few anglers will ever have realised they contain! Ground nut oil is one of the cheapest essential sources of omega oils you can find in the supermarket – maybe try it mixed with toasted sesame seed oil and hemp oil or walnut oil for instance!

You can save a fortune and make a basic soya flour and semolina base mix with your nut ingredients plus eggs to help binding. Or perhaps add additional CLO, egg albumin and whey gel, or even add just little wheat gluten for instance for a practical binding bait. Of course for those wishing for a more nutritious and more digestible bait, very many options and combinations are possible to create a bait totally unique to yourself. For example, with the addition of Vitamealo, sodium or calcium caseinate, lactalbumin or whey protein concentrate, soya isolate, caseins, enzyme-treated yeast, corn steep liquor powder, various pre-digested fish proteins and so on.

The CC Moore bird food ingredients including Sweet Meggablend and Meggablend Red, the gritty maize protein product Supergold 60 (60 percent digestible protein and nutritionally good enough to replace fish meals,) are just a sample of excellent ideal additions to nut based baits. But you can turn your bait into a really unusual one by combining many various nutritionally valuable and very attractive ingredients. For example using crushed tiger nuts, tiger nut flour and crushed hemp and adding krill meal, spirulina powder, bloodworm extract and tuna oil for instance.

If you want to cut your costs you can use maize meal or maize flour for up to half your bait to bulk it up. Carp love maize all year round even in winter, despite it not being the most nutritional nor digestible ingredient for cheap bulking up; it simply works! (It does naturally contain betaine and other bioactive antioxidants among other important factors.) I find using maize meal in combination with full fat semolina produces a bait that is easier to roll if cost is really an issue, however I would very much prefer to use highly nutritionally attractive ingredients which contain far more feed-triggering substance reasons to turn carp on!

Popular examples are Belachan, fish meals, krill and shrimp powders, calcium and sodium caseinates and blood powder, lactalbumin and whey protein concentrate. Egg albumin is a great highly nutritional binder and is often used in a fifty percent combination with whey gel. Wheat gluten is a another well proven binder where bait digestibility is less important. The milk powder products Vitamealo and Lamlac are very useful in aiding binding and soya isolate is another high-protein ingredient I have found really works well functionally in baits, from over decades of homemade bait making.

CC Moore pre-ground CLO is an attractive bird food based binder with a great track record which is ideal for economical absolutely top quality trustworthy very effective homemade mixes; you can include perhaps 8 ounces per pound of dry mix. If you use semolina it is a good idea to use only up to 7 ounces per pound of dry mix and ensure you improve the nutritional attraction of the bait intrinsically by adding some choice additives and ingredients, such as Robin Red, corn steep liquor powder, vanilla extract meal, molasses meal, CC Moore dried insect meal and shrimp type products for instance.

To make your nut baits compete effectively and even out-fish the best ready made baits you need more than this in your arsenal of knowledge. Revealed in my unique readymade bait and homemade bait carp and catfish bait secrets ebooks is far more powerful information. Look up my unique website (Baitbigfish) and see my biography below for details of my ebooks deals right now!

By Tim Richardson.

Now why not seize this moment to improve your catches for life with these unique fishing bibles: “BIG CARP FLAVOURS FEEDING TRIGGERS AND CARP SENSES EXPLOITATION SECRETS!” “BIG CARP AND CATFISH BAIT SECRETS!” And “BIG CARP BAIT SECRETS!” For much more NOW VISIT:

Catch Your Best Carp Ever With Home Made Bait – Fast!

Home of world-wide proven readymade and homemade bait success secrets bibles!

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