To be able to fish for bass is a skill many anglers would love to have, but what is even more remarkable is fi you are an angler with a high success rate for catching bass. The best way of becoming successful in your bass fishing attempts is to pick up as many bass fishing tips as you can from the experts. Study these tips and incorporate them into your techniques. Like learning anything new, you will have to practice them and possibly put your own touches on them before them become automatic.
The first thing you should know about fishing for bass is the fish itself. You need to know what it eats, its habits, what type of water it is usually found in and what part of the lake is the best fishing spot. There are also several varieties of bass, such as:
– striper
– largemouth
– smallmouth
– spotted
– black, and
– sand bass
Each of these requires a different set of skills in order to have a successful catch. Therefore, it is essential that you know what type of bass inhabit the waters you are fishing.
Smallmouth and spotted bass prefer deep water, while largemouth and black bass can be found in either deep or shallow water. The season of the year in which you are fishing is also important because this will affect the feeding habits of the bass. In the spring, for example, carp is widely available in small sizes, so it would be to your advantage to use a gold or bronze colored lure in the shape of a carp at this time of the year. Shad is a regular staple when it comes to food for bass and this bait is hard for them to get in the summer months. This is something you should take into consideration when bass fishing in summer.
You should know the spawning season and where they like to hide along the riverbank. Some of the usual habitats include areas where trees have fallen into the river, cervices in the riverbank or areas of the river close to the shore where there are lots of weeds. Once you learn how to detect places where bass could be hiding you are well on your way to a successful catch.
Most anglers never bother with the electronics on their boats until they have been unsuccessful in getting a bite for a considerable amount of time. However, the best time to use the depth sounder to your advantage is when you do get a bite. Then you should check to see if there is a school of bass in the area and the location of your lure. Once you see where the fish is, then you can throw the lure out in this location.
You also need to match the water, the season and the location to the type of bass that you are after. Some prefer to eat worms and real bait while others are attracted by the shiny objects glistening in the water and you should use artificial lures.