When considering building a Koi carp pond, one must fist be clear on the reason and motivation behind taking on such a wonderful yet laborious commitment. Throughout the world, Koi ponds bring different experiences to different people. In China, Koi are believed to be bearers of good luck to their owners with Koi ponds bringing fulfilment to their lives, while others around the world experience a sense of inner peace when relaxing by their garden ponds watching the Koi swim and even feeding right from their hands. In general, Koi have brought joy to those who have made these beautiful fish a part of their lives.
Today, more and more Koi enthusiasts are taking on the responsibility of building and maintaining a Koi carp pond. And with the vast resources of information available, its no wonder Koi are becoming ever popular as finding the right help and advice on caring for them has becomes more readily available.
In planning the development of a garden pond, one must fist understand the basics of what goes into it in terms of construction, maintenance and Koi keeping and, realize that it is a process of both creativity and engineering. And even though the rewards of spending countless sunny afternoons in the tranquil surroundings of a Koi garden pond, this endeavour should not be taken lightly. As with any other pet hobby, this takes time, effort, patients and money to maintain. Also, because Koi can be quite sensitive to certain changes, keeping Koi and maintaining a Koi carp pond requires the owner to learn all that they can, even before starting any construction and development on a pond and surely before buying or obtaining any Koi fish.
Now none of this is meant to discourage Koi enthusiasts. But if you are seriously thinking of getting into such an extraordinary hobby, then you owe it to yourself, and your Koi, to get it right the first time. Consider the alternative of having missed something after you have completed everything, only to find that it could cost you more in time and money to rectify the issue then it did for your to build it in the first place.
Are you ready to begin? Good. A few Koi carp pond terms you should familiarize yourself with, just to get you started on some basics of what goes into pond maintenance are; mechanical filtration and why sand filters are bad, biological filtration, the Nitrogen Cycle, nitrifying bacteria – what they are and what they do, denitrifying bacteria – what they are and what they do, heterotrophic and autotrophic bacteria, organic and inorganic waste products – what they are and what happens to them.
Once you have done the research and gained the basic knowledge, you will have a much better understanding of what a Koi pond entails regarding your time and commitment in raising these beautiful fish. With knowledge comes peace of mind, as you will feel more secure in getting things done the right way the first time, thus adding to the enjoyment and serenity of completing and owning your very own Koi carp pond.
Get your FREE 10 day Koi Carp Fish Care mini course, today. Michael C. Harris is a Koi fish specialist. Get more great Koi carp pond tips today. His successful Koi care secrets e-Book “Koi Fish School”, is an inspiring guide of easy follow techniques for every Koi fish enthusiast.