Fly fishing isn’t just a normal way of fishing because it uses specific tools to catch fish. . The most common associated fish caught with fly fishing tackles is trout and salmon, however pike, bass and carp are being caught as well.
The basic apparatus in fly fishing is the fly rod, fly line, artificial fly line and fly reel. Each part of the tackle has its own vita role in catching fish. First is the fly rod which is used to cast the fly line. The length will vary between 7 to 10 feet depending on the environment where you are fishing. Usually, fly rod are made from graphite and fibreglass and in some cases bamboo. By using other materials, the fly rod will become lighter or heavier and it may also become stiff or bendy. Therefore, follow the intended materials for ht fly rod to work perfectly.
Another part is the fly line which is a plastic coated line that can be found in variety of thickness. They also range in color but usually, bright colored fly line is used to attract the prey that is intended to be caught.
Now let’s go to the major part of the fishing tackle which is the artificial flies. They are made by tying hair, feathers, fur and other natural and synthetic materials onto a hook. Artificial flies range from bright lively colours in order to stand out, or darker colours to match the environment.
Another important part of the tackle is the fly reel. This one is used to hold the fly fishing line. The fish caught depends entirely on the kind of reel used. For bigger fishes, one should consider thicker lines and gears while for smaller fishes, a manual reel can be used.
Feel free to visit for more info about fly fishing guidelines and equipments.