Tag Archives: Marketing

Business plan seeks to process Asian carp

Business plan seeks to process Asian carp
HAVANA — The solution to the millions of Asian carp threatening the Great Lakes and already choking the Illinois River may rest not in huge government engineering projects alone, but in private enterprise and old-fashioned marketing. After all, says the group behind that approach, why eat “wild carp,” imported as …

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Shimano TLD: Shimano Reels For Your Biggest Game Fish

For all those fishing enthusiasts, whether fishing as a hobby or fishing as a sport, and anybody who wish to go into fishing one day, Shimano TLD is simply the best reels to bring in the biggest game fishes. Whether it is freshwater fishing or saltwater fishing, all your fishing needs can be found in the long line of Shimano product list. Shimano TLD has been developed after a thorough research and tests to perfect its catching ability and precision. A lot of time has been devoted to the development and marketing of Shimano TLD that in the end, it made Shimano reels one of the best and most precise spinning reels in the world. There are various Shimano reels that you can choose from. Get acquainted with the different Shimano reels to better gauge the type that is right for you.

Front Drag Reels

Shimano front drag reels have built-in multi-disc systems and use a more technologically advanced system than other reels in the market. It works superiorly over any other reels as it has features of its own like its spool micro adjustment that is capable of fitting into the line.

Rear Drag Reels

Shimano rear drag reels especially the Fighting Drag can adjust instantly when you are struggling with a fish. The adjustment may be done by merely moving and touching the lever of the Fighting Drag.

Mini Reels

Shimano Mini Reels are small ultra-light reels. They are a combination of light rods and light reels. Its size and weight are a great advantage, as they can be easily carried by hand without compromising performance.


Shimano P3 is for power, precision, and performance. The Shimano P3 belongs to the category of Shimano “economy reels,” and it is the latest addition to the long line of Shimano products. It doesn’t mean that the P3, being more affordable or cheaper than other products, will not perform better than the other Shimano products. Shimano P3’s performance is guaranteed to perform like any other model as its quality will not fall short of the outstanding performance of other Shimano products.

Big Pit and Long Cast

Shimano Big Pit was originally designed for beachcasters. The special features of this Shimano Big Pit and Long Cast include its gigantic cranking powers, sturdy construction, and its spools have the capacity to handle big fishes. It is best recommended for frequent and long-range casting. This is becoming the favorite of carp anglers, pike anglers, and even catfish anglers.

Fly Reels

Shimano Fly Reels is absolutely the best looking fly fishing reels available in the market. While it is the most astonishing and the best looking of all fly fishing reels, its performance is unmatched compared to many other brands of fly reels. Shimano Fly Reels is precision-engineered to give the buyers an excellent value for his money.

Baitcasting Reels

Shimano Baitcasting Reels are completely small, compressed, and light-weight. The Shimano Reels was chosen for the UK lure fishing styles. Get your Shimano reels now and have a lifetime great and positive performance result. Visit them online at http://www.shimano.com

Robert Fuering is the owner of Sea Isle Tackle. At Sea Isle, we proudly offer a wide collection of Shimano Reels, including the Shimano TLD.

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