ESP Quality Carp Fishing Tackle

What is E.S.P. Fishing Tackle?

Well, if you were thinking it was a new kind of tackle that would help you find and catch fish using some kind of mysterious psychic power, not quite. E.S.P. Fishing Tackle is a popular and well respected brand of fishing equipment. In fact, for many carp fisherman (and fisher women) E.S.P. Fishing Tackle is the brand of choice.

Carp fishing is growing in popularity. There was a time when some considered carp “junk fish”, the ones you did not want to catch, and would quickly toss back if you did. But, over the years, many anglers have come to realize that fishing for carp is a worthy past time. And for many different reasons.

First and most importantly is the fact that you can eat carp, which you can’t always say for a lot of the “sports” fish. True, some people fish simply for the challenge of catching a “big one”. But being able to dine on the fruits of your labours adds to the feeling of accomplishment you got from catching the fish.

Another appealing thing about carp is their size. Part of the fun of sports fishing is being able to catch the really big fish, which is relatively easy when using quality equipment like E.S.P. Fishing Tackle. It’s not at all unusual to stumble across carp that are upwards of 20 or 30 pounds in size. (Although carp 10 pounds and under tends to be better for eating.)

Another thing that makes carp fishing so appealing is the challenge. Serious anglers don’t want to just drop a line in the water, pull it up, and find a fish dangling on the end. They want a fish that puts up a fight. And this is definitely true of carp.

Two more advantages of fishing for carp are its abundance, and the many different places they can be found. You can find these fish in streams, lakes and ponds all over the world. Wherever you live, there’s a good chance there is a body of water where you can fish for carp nearby.

When fishing for carp, your best bet is to use a heavy, high quality rod and reel with a 15 pound test line. Anything less could be too easily broken by the weight of one of these weighty fish.

E.S.P. Fishing Tackle is a brand that offers a variety of rods designed especially for catching carp of all sizes and in many different environments. If you are interested in carp fishing, this line of fishing equipment should be at the top of your list.

Written by Glen Buchanan,, ESP Carp Fishing Tackle.

Carp fishing rods the three types you need to be aware of

The choice of rod is very important when you are going after that elusive specimen carp. There are so many different makes of carp fishing rods and carp reels on the market every one for a specific type of fishing.  There are three main types of rod to consider every one of them dependant on where you are going to fish.  

You will often see when looking to select a rod a mention of a rod’s test curve. A test curve is determine by how much weight it takes to bend the rod through 90 degrees. The most common test curve is 2.5 lb which is normal for close to medium range fishing. If you are looking to fish long distances then a 3lb test curve would probably be more suitable.

The three main styles are as follows.

All through action

These bend through the whole length of the rod. You will often feel the rod bending under the handle. This type of rod is for playing fish with the best safety margin rather than a casting tool. These rods usually feel nicer and are a pleasure to use.

Medium action

The bend on these rods starts about two thirds the way down the rod. This offers a pleasant bend on the rod whilst there’s still power left in the butt to control a good fish. These rods certainly give a greater safety margin when playing a fish but at the expense of some casting distance. This kind of action is the one that I recommend and frequently use myself

Fast tip action

These will usually feel extremely stiff as they bend only in the tip section with other joints remaining rigid. These rods are intended for fast pick-up and long casting. The disadvantage is that every movement of a fish tends to get transmitted right down to the hand. There is also no cushion if the fish makes a sudden run as it is being netted. This can result in the line breaking or the hook being pulled out.

Most rods are made from hollow tapering tubes from a mixture of carbon and glass fibres bonded by a resin. The more carbon present in the mixture, the more expensive the rod. It will also make the rod stiffer and allow manufacturers to reduce the diameter of the tube. Most cheaper rods are manufactured from a mix containing a larger proportion of glass fibres. These rods are often referred to as composites. These are cheaper, less stiff, more robust and of larger diameter and by being less stiff and more robustthey make good carp fishing rods for the beginner.



With all the carp fishing equipment out there it is a good idea to get some knowledge before parting with your money. If you would like to know more then visit

Carp Fishing Equipment

Carp Fishing Equipment: What Do You Need?

Are you interested in carp fishing? If so, you are probably interested in carp fishing equipment. Like many other hobbies and sports, fishing is one of those pastimes where the amount of success you have will depend, in no small part, on the equipment you use. Not that you can’t catch a fish of one kind or another with a pole and whatever you can find in your kitchen that can act as bait. But to catch the big fish, like a 10 or 20 pound carp that can be counted on to put up a fight, you need good tools.

If you are going fishing for carp, here is some carp fishing equipment that you will want in your arsenal.

The Right Rod and Line

Carp are big, heavy and strong. And, well, they don’t really want to be caught, so you can almost count on them to put up quite a fight as you try to pull them in. The result? Many people who go after these fish without the right equipment find that, after hours of work, all they have to show for it is a broken line, broken rod, and no fish to speak of. So your first step is to get yourself a quality rod. You also want to use a 15 pound test line.

The Right Flies

Many who fish for carp have great success using flies. But not just any flies. There are many flies on the market now days, all of them promising they will help you catch more fish than you ever imagined possible. Some of these flies look like little works of art. But, when fishing for carp, you want to choose flies that look as much like actual carp food as possible. Otherwise, the fish will just ignore your fly and go on about its business.

Use a Net to Make Things Easier

After fighting with a carp for a while you will, if you’re lucky, scoop it up and officially declare it caught. Because carp are so heavy, you more than likely won’t be able to hold it up by the rod. Instead, you will have to take it directly from the water. Using a net is the easiest way to get this done. However, if you do want to take the carp out of the water by hand, be careful. Holding a carp incorrectly can harm or damage your catch.

Fishing for carp is both fun and challenging. And the best way to guarantee success is by using the right carp fishing equipment.

Written by Glen Buchanan,, Carp Fishing Equipment.