4 Highly Important Carp Fishing Tips You Must Know
Carp fishes are good kind of fishes especially with the taste and it can be fun catching them. However, you should realize that you need some skills under your belt before you can be successful at carp fishing. This article will be giving you some tips on effectively catching more carp fishes.
1. Locate The Fishes First
Unlike other fishes it is highly important to locate the carp fishes first before choosing a peg. Even though this is not necessarily important it can make a huge difference in the number of fishes you can catch.
2. Make Use of Salt and Chillies
Another tip to get more results from catching carp fishes is to make sure you add salts and chillies to particle baits. Carp fishes love salty food and they have a great love for chillies so you will find it easier to catch them if you utilize this taste of theirs to your advantage.
3. Use Boilies & Maggots
A great tip to help make it easy for you to catch more carp fishes is that you should make sure you use fishmeal-boilies when trying to catch the carps. You will also get more results by using maggots as carps are easily attracted to things like that – if you’re afraid of the maggot moving away from the bait you can use dead and frozen maggots – either dead or alive, they give the same results.
4. The Season/Weather
The physical weather condition of your location is also highly important when trying to catch carp fishes because it is easier to catch carp fishes in the summer than in the winter. Carp fishes are very slow in cold water so if you plan to fish in the cold weather make sure you cast your rigs more frequently.
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Moronkeji Toye –
About the Author:
Moronkeji Toye blogs about how to get carp fishing tips, you can also read more fishing tricks from his blog.
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