Category Archives: Fishing Strategies

Fishing For Carp With Proven Techniques Tips And Tricks Catch More Big Carp

Like many once you start fishing for carp you will surely find a pleasurable and fulfilling pastime and this explains why carp fishing is growing bigger and widespread around the developing world.

Our Fishing for carp website is designed to help all levels of carp fishing anglers, be it from a beginner level to a highly seasoned and advanced carp fishing specialist. Our carp fishing content is a valuable resource for carp news, reviews, tips and tricks, underground and secret tactics, and interesting product reviews and latest carp rigs and bait advice that actually does help you catch more and bigger carp.

To be successful in fishing for carp you must first try and put yourself in the place of a carp and see a few things from their perspective, this way you will understand the failings of many average carp anglers. A carp is much like a dog and it develops senses in relation to caution and danger over time and you will find evidence that on highly fished lakes and certain carp fishing swims that carp will not feed because of previous experiences with being caught using normal carp anglers techniques in baiting and rigs, also noise from radios or TV’s can put them off feeding and therefore they become almost impossible to catch.

With the above in mind it is therefore important that in harder fisheries and hard fished waters or swims that we understand the reasons for carp not feeding and we develop a solid fishing for carp strategy that will help us catch the carp whilst others are not – I find it quite funny when every other carp angler is just having to watch me reel in big carp catches when they just blank. Our website helps you build a solid reliable and successful strategy to catching carp time after time.

We can avoid many of the basic pitfalls of the average carp angler with simple but proven carp fishing techniques that will leave most carp anglers dumbfounded.

However, if you take the time to understand how carp will react to their environments you can utilise the problems faced by most to use it very much to your own advantage. We will show you how easy and quickly you can learn and develop advanced carp catching skills that leave average carp anglers just simply amazed the difference will be that you master good fishing for carp techniques and methods that help you catch specimen carp up to 60lbs with big carp catches.

The fishing for carp website covers a number of beginners to advanced topics and just a few are mentioned below.

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Next, to start catching more carp and learn about proven carp fishing methods, carp news and reviews, better tips and tricks, also the latest carp fishing equipment and product reviews then hop over to our website – catch more carp today @

Homemade Carp Fishing Boilie Baits Using Chocolate Malt And Scopex Flavours!

Teenage Penis Growth plus Penis Growth Tips plus Dating Tips For Women

Most men at some time feel inadequate about the size of their penis. After all the size of a man’s member has become almost a status icon to society over the years.

Are you unhappy with the size of your penis? Would you like to be bigger and able to perform better in the bedroom? Results are now guaranteed that will naturally increase the size of your penis permanently.

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When it’s time to go to the bathroom and you discover that you are having problems holding onto your dick it is high time to ask yourself one very critical question of how to get a bigger penis naturally. This is a perfectly natural question to ask and a definite topic to be concerned about. Surprisingly large groups of men think Mother Nature has disappointed them when it comes to the size of their penis.

Did you know it is possible for you to enlarge your penis without having to undergo penile surgery? Find out how you can get a stronger and bigger penis in this article…

In this article we’ll take a genuine look at how to increase penis size by penis enlargers and how any man can gain 1.5 inches in only 2 months! Forget about this pills and other scams this article unravels the only known way for increasing penis size with results you can see in just a month or less.

If you really want to make your woman moan then the best way to do it is to make your penis a lot bigger. Women love bigger penises because they stimulate her on a deep level that smaller penises cannot. I wanted to get a bigger penis and I used natural techniques to make mine nearly 4 inches bigger. If you think that you could benefit from having a bigger penis then this article will be very informative for you.

Are you unhappy with your penis size? Things might not be as bad as you think. The average penis size is approximately 5-7 inches so if you fall into that category then you’re the same size as most men. However if you’re 5 inches or smaller you may be worried that your penis isn’t big enough to satisfy your partner.

So you are here because you want to know how to make your penis bigger. The likelihood is that you may want to avoid some the of the more expensive and dangerous ways to get a bigger penis. That really only leaves you one option however in my opinion it is the best option to choose. Penis growth exercises are a proven way to make your penis bigger. In this article i would like to answer some of the questions you may have about penis growth exercises.

How To Care For An African Carp

The all-time favorite Carp fish include the Genus Aphyosemion African Tooth Carp. What a name. The Genus Aphyosemion species do not house well in communal tanks, yet these fish are some of the prettiest fish on the market. The fish will die quickly; therefore, it is recommended that you provide the fish their own separate aquarium. The hiders will fold their fins and conceal themselves in corners of aquariums. The male counterparts, i.e. the larger breeds are highly aggressive and will not habit with other male fish of its kind. Therefore, only house the male carps with females.

Tank recommendations:

You should provide the Genus Aphyosemion African Tooth Carp with floating plants and a shady environment. Cover the bottom section of the tank with purified overcooked peat. The water condition should be moderately hard, or else slightly acidy. You can also add 1 teaspoon of table salt to a gallon of water to produce alkalinity water for particular carps that prefer to breed in such water conditions. Since these fish do not tend to live long, it is advised that you place these fish in separate aquariums and categories. The fish include surface breeders, midlevel breeders, and the bottom breeders. The first spawn should be provided floating plants, which the eggs will stick to. The second breeders should be provided fine leaf plants, which the eggs will also stick to. The third breeders should be provided peat, which is situated at the bottom area of the aquarium.

The fish rate in two separate categories, which include bottom and surface spawners. The fish prefer to live in glass tanks. You can use nylon mops, insert it into the tank to preserve fry. After the eggs arrive, you want to prepare to remove the parent fish to a different tank. Carp will eat their own kin. The water temperature should remain at 25 degrees Fahrenheit; unless the fish are in peaty waters then the temperature should be set at 65 degrees Fahrenheit. You want to avoid drying of peaty, since the eggs will not survive. To avoid fatality refresh the tank with soft water, while shaking the peat. Raise the water temperature to 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

Bottom breeders require sterile peat at the bottom of the tank. The fish also require plants, which float. You can breed the bottom spawners in smaller tanks. After the eggs are delivered the parent fish demand removal from the tank, as well the water must be siphoned. You can use a small tube to siphon the water. You want to avoid siphoning the eggs and peat. The water temperature should be at 70 degrees Fahrenheit. The temperature should remain constant for a couple of weeks. After the weeks are finished, break the peat up into lumps. You can now adjust the temperature to 65 degrees Fahrenheit. During egg transfer, occasionally you want to adjust the temperature to 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

If you are a beginner in fish care and aquarium, it is wise to avoid this species until you become better skilled and knowledgeable to fish care. Other types of fish kin to this Carp family may be more suitable for starter kits.

For instance, the Brachydanio Rerio or Zebra Danio is less demanding than the Carp. The fish derived from the Eastern regions of India. Rerio has a small slim body, and grows around 1 ¾ inches in size. The fish are shaped like cylinders and have attractive colors, including gold, silver, blue, and black. Rerio is one of the smarter fish available, which these fish prefer to habitat in peaceful waters. Rerio is not demanding that is the fish will eat most foods, and do not expect catered water conditions.

For tips on shark anatomy and sharks tooth, visit the Types Of Sharks website.

All About Carp

So many of you will know that Carp belong to the species (Cyprinus Carpia). A fish whose natural habitat was Asia, but is now found on most of the large land masses, like Europe and North America.


Carp have had a chequered career. They were once considered to be an undesirable element in fresh water lakes and rivers. This resulted in a lot of activity aimed at getting carp exterminated.


Why were they undesirable? Because they are omnivorous – they eat both animal and plant foods indiscriminately. To ensure they miss out on nothing in their diet, carp roil about in the water, stirring up the sediment, rooting about for food. This increases the turbidity and creates an environment which affects the well-being and growth of many of the plants and animals found underwater.


A nice word – roil. It also means to vex, disturb and irritate, which bring us back to the verb ‘to carp’. This means to find fault, to complain unreasonably, to niggle or be critical. There seems to be a connection here between ‘carp’ and ‘to carp’ – don’t you think?


Carp’s fortunes began to turn when it was discovered that they are an easy fish to raise for food. If they are farmed, large amounts of fish meat can be produced per acre. This is done most successfully in Europe and Asia. To fish-farm successfully, the oxygen in the water needs to be replenished regularly. This can be done fairly easily when the fish are kept in tanks and the water is continually circulated by means of a pumping system. The food is fed directly into the tanks, though it’s unclear what exactly happens to the waste the fish produce.


This mass food production is a little at odds with the fact that they are not a particularly edible variety of fish, except perhaps to Polish people, to whom they are as important at Christmas time as the turkey is elsewhere. You will not find Carp appearing regularly as a dish on 5 star menus anywhere in the world.


To anglers though, catching Carp is a great sport. They can be very wily, putting up a great fight to avoid being removed from the water. At present the world fishing record for a Carp is more than 90lbs 15ozs.


And then, how about:

C for Carp

A for Anglers

R for Ready mades – boilies which have already been manufactured, sold in bags.

P for Pod, a folding stand where carp rods are placed.

Check out an ebook UK Carp Fishing Secrets which includes recipes for bait and tips on rigs, at the website below.

For fishing boats and pontoons go to:


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Better Winter Carp Fishing Results Using Well Proven Bait Tips!

Get the best out of your bait in winter and maximise the money you spend on it! These are a handful of very well proven expert tips to help you catch more winter and spring fish. Discover more now!

Carp do not digest bait very well in colder conditions so it is extremely vital you design and select your baits and ground baits for exactly this situation to maximise your greatest chances of bites and literally in effect stop actually wasting good money on bait! Of course one way to do this is use as little bait as possible, but this is only part of the solution and does not maximise your chances because you will not necessarily be applying bait and baiting in the optimum ways possible for best results. Many anglers will choose to utilise water-soluble PVA products in combination with whole or crushed boilies, yet you still have to pay for the PVA of course, however it baits-up exactly where your hook bait is, so drawing most attention to it without filling fish up.

The choice of bait these days means you need never worry about over-feeding fish but you need to know what will and will not over-feed fish in the first place and this requires some know-how. In general you need to avoid bulk oils and un-winterised oils in baits and avoid using too much free bait that takes a long time to break down in water. after all, if a bait is not very soluble it is likely to take much more energy and time for carp to digest it and this is something to very definitely bear in mind! Proteins are much better if they have at least been part-digested and fermented shrimp powder, whey protein concentrate, predigested yeast powder and enzyme-treated yeast powders for example are very well proven.

Of course you can apply as many various baits in your attack as you like, from readymade ground baits, to maggots, to hemp, to various crushed boilies and soluble carp pellets and so on, all in conjunction with PVA products and methods (and specialised bait feeding cages and droppers etc. Ground bait application is the art and skill that is a genuine cornerstone of successful carp fishing so it is absolutely essential especially in winter to do it to suit the situation and conditions taking into account all the possible variables that may challenge your fishing. Ground baiting for some carp anglers might mean launching spods of pellets or hemp or slop or method mix etc, instead of just firing out whole baits; which may well fill carp up too fast and bread is a very useful ground bait base often over-looked.

If you choose to exploit bread in winter and spring you will find it is not necessarily a small fish ground bait base; in fact far from it! In the coldest of nights you can get bites from big carp over bread-based ground baits and of course, know fish are gorging on free bait very little without actually sampling your hook baits with this method. Boilies in standard bottom bait, or pop-up bait or critically-balanced form etc all are reliable hook baits and always will be.

Increase your bite rate by improving the effective addtives and ingredients in your baits and ground baits that induce more sampling of hook baits having not fed fish up on free baits first! Water-solubility and digestible potential of your baits is paramount. Pellets and boilies made with little oil as possible (that make baits less digestible and less effective in cold water) are very highly recommended!

Many forms of popular pellets substantially lose their edge in winter owing to their high oil levels, including the halibut pellets and others which are designed as commercial feeds for fish with comparatively higher dietary lipid requirements. Pellets with low oil levels and wheatgerm are great for winter and spring carp fishing and you will normally get far more bites in the long-run fishing over such digestible free ground baits than over ordinary high oil halibut pellets for example. As oil is pretty much insoluble in water low oil pellets and boilies are much more able to draw fish towards your baited area as more water soluble attraction is dispersed more effectively in low water temperatures.

Robin Red is one of those famous winter bait and ground bait additives you can adapt and apply to almost anything just by mixing it into a mix or adding water or almost any liquid. Red Factor, Red Band, crushed hemp, Insecto Insecivorous, Nectar Blend and other mixtures such as Meggablend, Ccmoores Meggablend Red and Meggablend sweet are excellent as are yeast products and Phillips Yeast Mixture in winter baits. Essential oils and lecithins work their magic too and some are mostly under-dosed, while others are often over-dosed, so take the effort to discover correct levels!

If you add a liquid to your boilies and pellets for whatever period you choose whether long or short, you can raise the water-soluble proportion of your baits making them far more effective. Baits like particles, boilies, pellets etc all benefit from glugs, dips and so on, and so do fake and live baits such as maggots. These tips are just a sample taster to give you a perspective on the importance of you bait choices and the seriously important free bait application methods and ground bait formats you might select; preferably you will try to stimulate as many carp senses as possible at this time by gathering as many tips to help you as possible!

In winter and spring you get what you work for so to guarantee you save yourself money in wasted bait and on wasted blank trips, think about your carp senses-related issues around your hook bait and ground bait effectiveness and it will pay you back big-time; so read on…

By Tim Richardson.

For the unique and acclaimed new massive expert bait making / enhancing ‘bibles’ ebooks / books:



Tim Richardson is a homemade carp and catfish bait-maker, and proven big fish angler. His bait making and bait enhancing books / ebooks are even used by members of the “British Carp Study Group” for reference. View this dedicated bait secrets website now…