Tag Archives: Carp Fishing

Carp Fishing – Some Basic Points To Remember

The awesome carp can be a very frustrating fish to catch. These game fish can be very good at sucking in the hook and lure and instantly spitting it out, if it finds at all suspicious, all in a fraction of a second. It can be very exciting to watch the like quiver while you wait for the perfect time to hook the carp and then all is lost almost as soon as it began.

We list here some pointers you could follow to catch some carp for yourself. Follow these tips and you are sure to get a good catch worth writing home about.

A characteristic of the carp is that they are very comfortable feeding on the surface. You need to make these fish very comfortable before you cast your hook line and sinker to lure them. The best ways to attract the carp to your area of fishing is to fed them small quantities of food they like to eat. These include biscuits, pellets, chic peas, re-hydrated corn and bread. The good thing bout these are that they are really inexpensive food and attract the fish like no other form of fish food available. The bread can be hooked on the hook and lowered into the water other lure such as pellets can be glued to the shank with super glue.

Throw some of the bait into the water to make the fish feel comfortable this will assure you some good nibbles and bites as the fish are comfortable with the food in the water and are no longer picky of what they eat.

No sooner than you notice the fish feeding on the food you have thrown into the water you should cast your bait. It you let the fish feed long enough they will be full and your chances of catching any will diminish. You should cast away from where you have thrown the food and then slowly draw the hooked bait closer to where the fish are feeding.

How to Set-Up?

• It is advisable to set up a hair rig to increase chances of a catch. Remember that carp taste their food first before eating, if they do not like it they will not come close to it. • A spider line is also useful.
• A good tactic is to thread the bait on the needle and then hook the hair loop. Foam dipped in some flavor greatly increases the chances of a bite.
• A float can prove to be a great advantage as it adds some much needed weight for casting to greater distances and the location of the bait is easily also identified.

Many experienced anglers will have us believe, and rightly too, that it is not the lure or bit that catches the clever carp but the method used to catch the elusive fish. Pre-baiting, a method of visiting the same spot for a few days and feeding the fish before actually casting your line, is a good way to increase your chances of catching some good fish. Pre-baiting actually helps spread the word among the fish where the food is and they soon begin to school around at the same time every day expecting their meal to be dropped into the water, so much the better for you.

Abhishek is an avid Fishing enthusiast and he has got some great Fishing Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 116 Pages Ebook, “Fishing Mastery!” from his website http://www.Fishing-Masters.com/772/index.htm . Only limited Free Copies available.

Carp Fishing Techniques


Still NOT catching Big CARP, even though using the right bait?

We all need an extra edge to say ahead of the carp right?

With most newbie carp anglers chasing the latest carp fishing techniques, usually in the area of bait or the latest rig…But I doubt if many anglers have ever considered if the smell of their hands are affecting their catch results?

How about if you are using the same bait that other successful carp anglers are using and catching on at your lake but YOU are NOT?  

Read on this could just be the answer…

In 1979 just before I got started carp fishing, I was a member of the local fishing club, and the club had fishing rights to one small lake and a stretch of a canal.

They would hold regular friendly matches and outings.

I remember fishing with one guy who had just taken up course fishing the previous year, who always used to struggle, he used the same baits and methods as the successful anglers but to no avail, he results were dire.

On one particular memorable day fishing we sat in the same peg, we were both float fishing maggots, I was catching tench one after the other.

Feeling sorry for this chap, I let him plop his float six inches from mine, as he hadn’t had a sniff all morning!

Well can you believe it he still couldn’t get a bite!

So at that point I decided to take a break and remove my rod and line, and let him have the spot to himself while I have a sandwich and a hot tea from my flask…all he caught over the next hour was a couple of tiny roach. 

We discussed this ‘unlucky touch’ that he seemed to have, and could just not understand why he was not catching, it seemed so odd, especially when I replaced my rod in the same spot and immediately starting bagging up again! 

During the afternoon George one off the older members came by for a chat and to see how we were getting on. George had fished since he was a small boy and even now in his twilight years was keen as mustard!

He’s was always great company with plenty off stories to tell.

During our conversation I mentioned about my buddy (John) struggling even though he fished right in the same spot as me! 

George turned to John and said your ‘hands stink’!

We both looked at him totally puzzled…

John asked him what exactly, was he talking about.

He explained ‘You have something in the pores of your skin on your hands that the fish don’t like’ 

After discovering that John was an apprentice hair dresser, and the fact that his hands came into contact with the chemicals used for dying hair…

George explained this was likely the problem, that there were probably still traces of these chemicals in the skin pores.

When John baited his hook these chemicals were passed onto the bait and the fish were repelled by them…Hence why John was not catching!

He added over the years he’s known other anglers with the same problem, though he could not put his finger on the exact cause, as some had office jobs, their hands never came into contact with anything like chemicals or similar.

But when they wore surgical rubber gloves before baiting, there catch rates improved considerably. 

The obvious solution was to use rubber gloves…But what a pain!

George also added to prove that this was the likely cause we could do a little experiment right now, but we didn’t have any gloves…

No problem…was his reply.

Pointing to a tree behind us, he asked John to pick a couple of the green leaves of it and rub them well into the palm and fingers of his hands, until there was a ‘green film’ covering them. He explained that your hands now have more of a natural odour and should mask any repelling smells.

He instructed John to use the maggots from my bait box, as all the maggots in John’s bait box would all be contaminated.

We both cast out and waited with abated breath, we didn’t have to wait long…Yet again I caught a tench!

After re-casting out, and no more action for twenty minutes, we started to wonder if this ‘hands stink’ stuff was for real…

Just as I was ending the conversation by saying to John that it was probably a load of poppy cock…John’s float zoomed off under the waters surface! He struck into the fish…after playing the fish out, into the waiting net slipped in a large tench!

I was gob smacked!

We both caught about the same amount of fish up until the afternoon when the sun came out and put the fish off…

Totally amazing…! What a result for John! 

I ran into John towards the end of the season, and enquired about his ‘luck’ he told me since that ‘lucky’ chance meeting with the older member George and advice given he will be eternally grateful, as he has had consistent good catches ever since.

I believe this point is extremely important in carp fishing as carp are easily driven away by unpleasant smells/taste of bait, as they have a highly receptive sense of smell; the lining of their mouths contains chemically sensitive cells that allow it to determine whether food is good or bad. Carp also have taste buds on their barbules, pectoral and pelvic fins, underneath their head and along the length of their body. Which again would repel them should the taste be unpleasant.

It just takes little edges like this one that can make all the difference to your results.


Too Your Success, Good Luck and Tight Lines… 



Dennis R. Black…A Keen Carp Angler with over 30 years experience.
To find out more about Big Carp Fishing Secrets and obtain a FREE ‘How to Guide on Modern Carp Fishing DVD’ visit:

Carp Fishing – Land Monster Carp With These 3 Excellent Tips

Carp Fishing is one of the most challenging and enjoyable forms of sports fishing. What makes it so appealing? Well, there are a lot of reasons fishing enthusiasts enjoy fishing for carp. For one they are big, and make impressive trophies. (Even if the trophy is just a picture of you standing next to your catch.) Secondly, catching a carp isn’t easy. These put up a fight, which is why catching one, especially a big one, feels like such an accomplishment. And, finally, they are abundant. Carp are found all over the world, and there’s a very good chance that there is a lake, pond or stream near you that is filled with them.

So, now that you know why so many people enjoy going after these “big fish,” what do you need to know about actually catching one? Well, here are a few carp fishing tips.

Learn All You Can About Carp

If you have had experience sports fishing, you might know a lot about catching many different kinds of fish. But what you know about other fish, like bass, won’t necessarily apply to carp. Even something as simple as taking the fish out of the water safely, and without damaging your catch, could be different than what you are used to. That is why it is so important that you learn all you can about carp. You want to know where you can find them, the best bait to use, how they differ from other fish…Absorb as much information about carp as you can.

Use Creamed Corn to Bring the Carp to You

Carp are attracted by the smell of corn, so you can use corn to lure them to your fishing spot. So, the next time you go fishing for carp, take a can of creamed corn with you. Take about a handful of the corn and toss it into the water. It won’t be long before there are plenty of carp nearby, ready for the catching.

Be Cautious

Carp are pretty suspicious as far as fish go. They also have pretty sharp senses. So it doesn’t take much to spook them and drive them off. Movement on the water. A sound that they don’t like. So, when you are fishing for carp, it’s important to stay as quiet as possible. You also don’t want to move around a lot, especially if you are on a boat.

But, when it comes to carp fishing, the best tip is to be patient. Patience, and keeping the above tips in mind, will help make your next fishing trip a success.

Written by Glen Buchanan, Keep-Fishing.com, Carp Fishing Tips.