Tag Archives: Catfish Baits

Big Catfish and Carp Baits – Cool Hook Bait Ingredients

Keeping ahead of fish by using new baits, or versions of baits to keep on catching consistently, is so often the key to success, after location! But some fishermen might wonder how and why constantly changing baits has major advantages; there’s more to this than you might expect…

With many big catfish when fished for constantly, over time, many traditional baits can fail as fish associate these baits with ‘danger.’ Often catfish baits will go in a cycle of success before seemingly failing completely at the point where the catfish diet may have changed to predominantly feeding on live fish instead of fishermens’ baits.

I’m not alone in experiencing having ‘hits’ often very good hauls of catfish over a relatively short space of time, on one particular bait. Then the catfish simply ‘switch off’ the successful bait, often for an extremely long of time indeed. You can end up constantly searching for a completely new bait altogether.

Making catfish dough baits is an easier option as the ingredients, attractors and stimulators, size, shape, colour, density, texture, buoyancy etc, can be skilfully manipulated to constantly keep ahead of the fish before it ‘blows’ and results significantly reduce.

This has been found with various boilies, squid, and liver, certain pork baits like luncheon meat and Pepperami, even with nightcrawlers, prawns, mussels and cockles and so on. It seems like each has its day, then they can be ignored completely for an amazingly long time. However, dead baits of whole or chopped fish, but more especially, live baits, can really exploit the catfishes’ change in feeding behaviour.

In certain situations with particular fish, the question is how to get around these ‘defence mechanisms.’ Use of natural baits style is one answer but these often just act like a needle in a haystack, like fishing a single bloodworm in a bed of millions of them. Sure, worms, night crawlers, maggots and the like do make catching ‘clued-up’ fish easier initially, especially where fish have been not been used to being hooked on these baits before.

The famous giant 50 pound common called “Herman” of “Warmwell” repute in the UK, was very wised-up about conventional boilies. But this fish was not immune to worm bait… The “Redmire” fish, which could be very difficult to catch, were very keen to feed on tiny baits like various particles such as hemp. Use of new particle baits to a carp water can be devastating and this has been proven again and again.

The “Redmire” carp including Chris Yates’s record fish that stood for years were often tempted by sweetcorn. Often a can of “Jolly Green Giant” can save the day. These days soaking sweetcorn in sweeteners lik talin and thaumatin, or in liquid liver, yeast or betaine might work better. I’ve had good hits of fish on ‘Scopex’ soaked sweetcorn for example. The possibilities just with bait are endles, but it could be tiger nuts, peanuts, or any other bait. But I wonder how many fisherman think how to give the fish what they want but are very difficult to tempt on an individual bait alone.

A hook with samples of various diverse unrelated baits can often produce fish for many reasons, not least because the fish have not previously been ‘conditioned’ to be able to deal easily with it. Various different types of boilies and or dough type baits with particle baits or maggots or worms on the hook can do well for example.

Combinations with seafoods like prawn or cockles, an old fish cube, with some chicken or pork meat, all coated in an enticing paste or dough mixture can really produce fish when an individual bait simply will not.

Even boilie and dough mixes that have done so well on waters previously, can need changing after a long period of success. The revitalised success of the boilie “Active 8,” when teamed with a new maple attractor brought a new generation of anglers their first big fish success, even when the original version of this bait was still available, but it’s effectiveness had tailed-off compared to its early success before fish wised-up to it.

Often bait is still effective in triggering a feeding response, but the carp feed in different more cautious ways on and around the bait. Often the phenomenon of baits being picked-up, off the edge of, or even some distance away from a bed of baits, has worked better than a hookbait fished in the middle of thousands of identical baits.

The amazing way carp can ‘clean-up’ a huge bed of baits just leaving your hookbaits remaining is quite staggering to those fishermen who just do not appreciate how sensitive to every aspect of their surroundings, fish can be. Often it is those last remaining baits, your hookbaits, which are the last to be picked up, if they are at all!

Big fish man Dave Lane has experienced this many times. The question is really, why do the fish still pick up these hook baits at all, when out of possibly hundreds or even thousands of baits, these have been identified by all the feeding fish to be the ‘dangerous’ ones?

Most fishermen might suggest it is the ‘just one more’ syndrome kicking-in, where the urge to feel the effect of one more morsel replaces the instinct to leave those last baits ‘well-alone.’

There are numerous ways to make a bait have this effect, often by exploiting essential nutritional food signals, or by using attractors, enhancers, stimulators etc with highly stimulatory effects, many of which bear little resemblance to any natural carp food at all nor providing any particular nutritional benefits, but work anyway.

There are many ways to add these effects using many ingredients and additives to boilies, meats, and particles like hemp, pellets, and ground baits etc which are highly effective at keeping those bites coming.

This fishing bait secrets books author has many more fishing and bait ‘edges.’ Just one could impact on your catches!

By Tim Richardson.

For the unique acclaimed expert bait making and secrets ‘bibles’ ebooks / books:



Tim is a highly experienced homemade bait maker big carp and catfish angler of 30 years. His bait enhancing books / ebooks now help anglers in 43 countries improve their results – see this bait and fishing secrets website now!

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Making Homemade Boilies For Big Carp and Catfish Fishing!

My readers ask me questions every day on the subject of fishing baits. Far too many anglers just do not realise what are the most important aspects of carp or catfish baits that make fish most interested in picking them up – at all! Some of the very most vital aspects of how and why baits actually work and can be improved are inevitably missed; so why not read on now and find out more on how to make your baits and big fish catches better!


So how do you think a fish senses your bait in the first instance and how does this make a fish test out your bait with its mouth and various senses simultaneously? When you think about it, if they were ways you could enhance the impact of your baits on fish senses internally and externally, and even exploit how your baits change the water around your baits, then you will certainly massively improve your chances of catching loads more fish than the average angler!


I knew as a kid of 6 or 7 that fishing over tiny particles of bait that all dispersed in the water column where some sunk to the bottom, some remained hovering suspended and rising and falling in different water levels, and where some even rose to the surface, that this kind of bait was extremely effective for catching carp – and catfish later too. Bait success is very much all about dispersal in water. This dispersal is how fish come into contact with various bait substances, and these substances and particles provide a trail of suspended particles, and a concentration gradient of diffused substances in solution (or part solution) that lead the fish right back to the area of your hook baits waiting for them to make a mistake on them!


But there are endless things you can do to massively improve this effect so your fish are incredibly stimulated – even long before they come across your hook baits. It appears that relatively few anglers realise just what stages of modes of feeding behaviours carp can go through on their way to becoming hooked up! You can exploit and manipulate these behaviours by using various baits and bait substances, and combined fishing tactics and approaches to maximise fish behaviours in your unique personal favour.


Ok so you might think that using boilies or pellets straight from the bag is a very well proven way to catch carp, catfish or maybe big barbel for instance. But consider this; these fish home predominantly home in on the bait substances that leach out and become solution, that dissolve the most easily in the water. Dry baits take time to hydrate in water, and this also means that such baits are harder for fish to digest. But most worryingly is this; these baits take the longest to pull in fish – so you are wasting your valuable time, when you could be doing things to maximise every bait in every single fishing situation!


So consider this; next time you buy readymade baits use a few ideas from homemade bait making. In making homemade baits you learn countless tricks to overcome fish caution and manipulate both fish senses and feeding behaviours massively in your unique favour, but also get to know how to get very distinct competitive edges over the vast range of readymade baits out there which seem to confuse anglers so much.


So taken from my own products, let us imagine you are fishing a water dominated by a brand of readymade bait and you cannot hope to compete with the guys using that bait – because you either do not want to bother trying, or want to do things your own way, or simply do not see why you should spend all that money on bait when these guys are maybe getting it massively discounted or even for free. So what kinds of options might you consider to catch more fish despite fishing pressure from a dominant group on a bait?


The first obvious thing is to simply find out what their bait is and fish on the edge or on top of their baited areas in between times they are fishing in their chosen swims – that way you are catching fish guerrilla style and exploiting their efforts. This is an age old trick that has frequently caught angler good numbers of big fish. But you often cannot do it and anyway I for one do not fish this way because I prefer to do things my own way and derive far greater fun and satisfaction from my catches by doing this!


So maybe something you might do is maybe look at the boilie base mix they are using, and cut it so you make a cheaper more economical version – that the fish will recognise, that you can use but at much less cost. In fact this can be a brilliant edge and can lead to you catching even more fish than them as they will still be on the old version of the bait that fish could easily be getting wary of after enough captures.


Boosting your own unique boilie base mix with extra elevated levels of hygroscopic substances that are extremely rich in fish feeding triggers is a sure way to ensure you get really good results! But there are countless more innovative ways to catch more fish – economically, using methods, substances and knowledge beyond the conventional or the expected! Revealed in my unique readymade bait and homemade bait carp and catfish bait secrets ebooks is far more powerful information – look up my unique website (Baitbigfish) and see my biography below for details of my ebooks deals right now!


By Tim Richardson.

Now why not seize this moment to improve your catches for life with these unique fishing bibles: “BIG CARP FLAVOURS FEEDING TRIGGERS AND CARP SENSES EXPLOITATION SECRETS!” “BIG CARP AND CATFISH BAIT SECRETS!” And “BIG CARP BAIT SECRETS!” For these and much more now visit:


The home of the world-wide proven homemade bait making and readymade bait success secrets bibles and more unique free bait secrets articles by Tim Richardson!

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Boosting Carp Baits And Easy Ways To Make Your Dips And Soaks Irresistible!


Soaking your carp or catfish baits in special liquids to improve your catches can cost quite a bit when you are buying small pots. Another thing is that you can actually make your own bait soaks with equal if not even more effectiveness than readymade ones! So have your eyes opened; save money and catch loads more fish – read on now!

In more recent years, pellets have taken the carp and catfish and barbel fishing worlds by storm. Boilies are still of course the number one choice for big fish around the world however. There are endless creative ways to boost your readymade baits and homemade baits effectiveness. One very simple way is to crush up some of your choice (or mixed choices) of boilies, and soak the boilie crumb in hot water. This particular method ensures the bait recipe you are using equally matches the bait profile you are soaking, although this is not an essential ingredient for success and in fact your dip can be as different as you like from your bait itself.

Simply leave for a day or maybe more and stir the runny mixture so you have in effect boilies in solution. Your then simply soak your baits in this solution to boost their impacts. Its very easy and obvious! This is great for baits straight from the bag or baits that have been dehydrated.

You can use the same method or similar methods for boosting all kinds of pellets, and meat and fish baits and even fake baits for example. You have no need to even think about being afraid of over-loading with any solvent based flavours and anyway using this method is very likely to reap bigger more wary fish.

Of course you can boost your special baits dips and soaks in endless ways so that they are more bioactive, or even so they preserve your baits. There are ways to drop or raise the pH of the solutions, make them very much more palatable in terms of vitamin and mineral and amino acid contents etc; its all up to you. In the height of the warmer temperatures when carp and catfish metabolism is peaking you can obviously go for a higher oil approach; this supplying the higher energy requirements fish have at this time in particular among others.

I’d always add a very high-grade high PC liquid lecithin anyway to improve bait digestion and general bait performance in regards to oils in baits, whether bulk oils or essential oils. (Visit Carpfishingpellets for liquid lecithin plus added extras like high-grade pure liquid salmon protein, and triple-filtered Scottish salmon oil for instance, and pure betaine HCL; such things really are very effective individually or used together!)

Making homemade liquids to boost baits is a massive subject and I could write a book about it. You can use the same liquids to boost your ground baits, particles, slop mixes, pop-ups, boilies, stick mixes and almost anything. You can very seriously boost your baits with substances that trigger feeding or with substances that attract fish into your swim very highly effectively. You can use naturally-derived extracts extremely rich in natural feeding triggers to turn fish onto feeding, or even use very easily dispersed flavours to boost very open texture un-boiled baits, to seed you swims and spots, that wash out fast but leave a sediment of paste on the bottom for warier fish to home in on.

If you want an idea for just one unusual bait soak you might try an idea just off the top of my head – maybe combine CC Moore Kelp Complex with their awesome Liquid Salmon and Krill extract and perhaps tailor this and customise this in any additional way you wish – maybe boost it using Belachan, or Cyprivit and Feedstim XP powder, or hydrolysed poultry protein etc.

Liquid recipes can be as unusual and alternative as you like – as potent and as concentrated as you like; I aim to keep an open mind when experimenting and I always seem to be finding new substances not in popular use at all in carp or catfish fishing to use in my bait soaks. As a quick tip try some of the more esoterically orientated health food and alternative herbal type websites for instance. (See below for more on this stuff!)

The range of additives, ingredients, extracts and pure substances, both natural and artificially created can all have their place in your bait dips and soaks for very powerful reasons and your fish will certainly thank you by getting hooked more often! Revealed in my unique readymade bait and homemade bait carp and catfish bait secrets ebooks is far more powerful information – look up my unique website (Baitbigfish) and see my biography below for details of my ebooks deals right now!

By Tim Richardson.

Now why not seize this moment to improve your catches for life with these unique fishing bibles: “BIG CARP FLAVOURS FEEDING TRIGGERS AND CARP SENSES EXPLOITATION SECRETS!” “BIG CARP AND CATFISH BAIT SECRETS!” And “BIG CARP BAIT SECRETS!” For these and much more now visit:


The home of the world-wide proven homemade bait making and readymade bait success secrets bibles and more unique free bait secrets articles by Tim Richardson!

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HOMEMADE CARP BAITS – Ways To Make Your Dips And Fishing Bait Soaks Irresistible!

Soaking your carp or catfish baits in special liquids to improve your catches can cost quite a bit when you are buying small pots. Another thing is that you can actually make your own bait soaks with equal if not even more effectiveness than readymade ones! So have your eyes opened; save money and catch loads more fish – read on now!

In more recent years, pellets have taken the carp and catfish and barbel fishing worlds by storm. Boilies are still of course the number one choice for big fish around the world however. There are endless creative ways to boost your readymade baits and homemade baits effectiveness. One very simple way is to crush up some of your choice (or mixed choices) of boilies, and soak the boilie crumb in hot water. This particular method ensures the bait recipe you are using equally matches the bait profile you are soaking, although this is not an essential ingredient for success and in fact your dip can be as different as you like from your bait itself.

Simply leave for a day or maybe more and stir the runny mixture so you have in effect boilies in solution. Your then simply soak your baits in this solution to boost their impacts. Its very easy and obvious! This is great for baits straight from the bag or baits that have been dehydrated.

You can use the same method or similar methods for boosting all kinds of pellets, and meat and fish baits and even fake baits for example. You have no need to even think about being afraid of over-loading with any solvent based flavours and anyway using this method is very likely to reap bigger more wary fish.

Of course you can boost your special baits dips and soaks in endless ways so that they are more bioactive, or even so they preserve your baits. There are ways to drop or raise the pH of the solutions, make them very much more palatable in terms of vitamin and mineral and amino acid contents etc; its all up to you. In the height of the warmer temperatures when carp and catfish metabolism is peaking you can obviously go for a higher oil approach; this supplying the higher energy requirements fish have at this time in particular among others.

I’d always add a very high-grade high PC liquid lecithin anyway to improve bait digestion and general bait performance in regards to oils in baits, whether bulk oils or essential oils. (Visit Carpfishingpellets for liquid lecithin plus added extras like high-grade pure liquid salmon protein, and triple-filtered Scottish salmon oil for instance, and pure betaine HCL; such things really are very effective individually or used together!)

Making homemade liquids to boost baits is a massive subject and I could write a book about it. You can use the same liquids to boost your ground baits, particles, slop mixes, pop-ups, boilies, stick mixes and almost anything. You can very seriously boost your baits with substances that trigger feeding or with substances that attract fish into your swim very highly effectively. You can use naturally-derived extracts extremely rich in natural feeding triggers to turn fish onto feeding, or even use very easily dispersed flavours to boost very open texture un-boiled baits, to seed you swims and spots, that wash out fast but leave a sediment of paste on the bottom for warier fish to home in on.

If you want an idea for just one unusual bait soak you might try an idea just off the top of my head – maybe combine CC Moore Kelp Complex with their awesome Liquid Salmon and Krill extract and perhaps tailor this and customise this in any additional way you wish – maybe boost it using Belachan, or Cyprivit and Feedstim XP powder, or hydrolysed poultry protein etc.

Liquid recipes can be as unusual and alternative as you like – as potent and as concentrated as you like; I aim to keep an open mind when experimenting and I always seem to be finding new substances not in popular use at all in carp or catfish fishing to use in my bait soaks. As a quick tip try some of the more esoterically orientated health food and alternative herbal type websites for instance. (See below for more on this stuff!)

The range of additives, ingredients, extracts and pure substances, both natural and artificially created can all have their place in your bait dips and soaks for very powerful reasons and your fish will certainly thank you by getting hooked more often! Revealed in my unique readymade bait and homemade bait carp and catfish bait secrets ebooks is far more powerful information – look up my unique website (Baitbigfish) and see my biography below for details of my ebooks deals right now!

By Tim Richardson.

Now why not seize this moment to improve your catches for life with this unique series of fishing and bait secrets bibles: BIG CARP FLAVOURS FEEDING TRIGGERS AND CARP SENSES EXPLOITATION SECRETS! BIG CARP AND CATFISH BAIT SECRETS! And BIG CARP BAIT SECRETS! For these and much more now visit:

http://www.baitbigfish.com home of the worldwide proven homemade bait making readymade bait success secrets bibles series and bait secrets articles!

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HOMEMADE CARP BAIT RECIPES and Making Readymade Fishing Baits Catch More Fish!


When you need some powerful advice on designing carp and catfish baits and recipes for boilies, pastes and pellets, here is some very practical advice that really works on big wary fish and easy small fish, that will not merely help your catches right now but improve your understanding of how to achieve better results in summer or winter for years! These bait tips will work for anyone; so read on and reap your big rewards now!


Many anglers want a bait recipe. But how is this going to really help when still fail to create opportunities that are possible to catch more fish, or fail to maximise situations that result in potentially great catches being missed! What is important is that you really get to understand far better what fish are really about and how and why they do what they do in their watery medium. I say this because the watery medium aspect is totally vital in improving your success equation OK!


So many anglers merrily put out free baits and expect miracles. A very big part of fishing success comes down to ground baiting or free baiting skills, knowledge and experience. But remember one key thing. Fish can be excited or repelled by what you put out there and even if your bait is a popular and previously successful readymade bait it can actually work against you or reduce your chances if you do not realise what that bait is doing in the water, how and why it impacts of fish, and why it may make them excited or make them unduly suspicious.


Familiar ingredients additives and flavours can all be a turn off for fish for many reasons right down to simply not requiring the nutrition from a certain bait because they have been filled with them for so long, quite apart from being afraid of familiar baits and their potential dangers of hooks and capture etc.


One thing most anglers must have noticed is how many anglers us the same format of baits these days. Boilies are so commonly used in big carp and catfish fishing, and certainly they catch the majority of big carp around the world. But part of this is because so many anglers use them. I make my own pellets because they are different to standard boilies and unique baits in the presence of very wary fish can be a massive advantage and this is well proven time after time.


Whether you use readymade baits or homemade baits here is one thing I advise you to consider OK! Consider how hard and how well sealed your baits are in water, and how long it takes for the majority of soluble material and liquids to become soluble and become solution as part of the water column – thus attracting fish and inducing feeding type of responses that we require in order to most efficiently hook them.


So many readymade baits are hard, even if they sit in dips or bait soaks for a long time. Such baits might be useful in situations where nuisance fish and crayfish abound but even in such situations I have always found it far more effective to use soluble baits that break down pretty quickly –say within 5 hours as opposed to 12, 24 or 48 hours plus! Ideally what I want is my baits to actually become part of the water and not sitting there as a bed of baits on the bottom.


Even in stronger currents of rivers I aim to have such baits constantly breaking down and pulling in and triggering feeding. For rivers I might make baits square or disc shapes or rectangle odd shapes and make them using certain heavier ingredients but note in such baits you do not have to compromise on bait impacts and you can easily add things like crushed egg and oyster shell to add weight to soluble mixes OK! Crushed finely these kinds of ingredients are great too for when you want to launch hook baits and free baits into the distance.


In fact fishing moving water situations is an ideal place to seriously hone your bait effectiveness skills. Many barbel anglers have benefited from my experience of combining refining baits adapted from carp and catfish recipes, and used in search of river chub and other species where baits get washed out very quickly in moving water.


Imagine the power of being able to refine the impacts and potency of your bait in moving water, and then using those skills in the pretty still waters of lakes for instance. The impacts of such refined, so well adapted baits on fish and fish responses and feeding is hugely increased – by comparison to conventional baits, and catches differ very significantly! This is especially when compared to boilies made using eggs and the boiled or steamed; thus sealing inside the baits the vast majority of more water-soluble material and liquids within these baits!


I like countless anglers used to boil lots of my homemade baits. In fact I regard boiling as very detrimental to your baits in so many ways. All you need to do is compare the amount of stimulating bait material left in the water baits are boiled in, to realise that you are losing loads of potential catching ability of the baits – by leaving it behind in the boiling water!


I noticed my catch rates using homemade boiled baits really improved when I used to boil my baits in water that was first treated with additional soluble substances. Sure some of these lowered the boiling temperature of the water, among other effects but they really worked to improve my catches. For instance you might add condensed milk, evaporated milk, flavours, enhancers, marine and vegetable extracts, Horlicks powders, milk powders, milkshake powders, honey, chocolate source, raspberry puree or tomato puree, salmon, shrimp or crab paste etc, condiments of many kinds, sugars, sweeteners, syrups, yeast powders, enzyme-treated fish or liver among an endless list of others I know work.


The list is endless, but I advise you to look into hygroscopic substances and form you own personal list! But I would not only add these to water if you want to boil your baits, but soak these into readymade baits freshly defrosting, and to air-dried baits and also to particles, pellets, meat and marine baits, ground baits of many kinds including stick mixes, method mixes, spod mixes and so on! Take good note of this and you will reap big rewards! Revealed in my unique readymade bait and homemade bait carp and catfish bait secrets ebooks is far more powerful information – look up my unique website (Baitbigfish) and see my biography below for details of my ebooks deals right now!


By Tim Richardson.

Seize this moment to improve your catches for life with these unique fishing bibles: “BIG CARP FLAVOURS FEEDING TRIGGERS AND CARP SENSES EXPLOITATION SECRETS!” “BIG CARP AND CATFISH BAIT SECRETS!” And “BIG CARP BAIT SECRETS!” For these and much more now visit:




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