Tag Archives: Homemade Carp Bait

Homemade Carp Bait Design – Formulating Your Own Recipes for Big Fish!

Homemade Carp Bait Design – Formulating Your Own Recipes for Big Fish!

Being able to formulate your own homemade carp bait recipes is such a powerful edge! Even if you happen to be a commercial bait maker, the same skills and knowledge and creativity apply. So how can you do it as a beginner or reasonably skilled bait-making angler? Read on for some great expert tips you probably will never read anywhere else!

I speak to a number of commercial bait makers on a regular basis as friends, and I am intrigued at how there really is little difference between the process of formulating homemade baits compared to commercial ones. They both have to work on a variety of waters all year round and work instantly, and have the capability to out-fish competing baits due to special features, components or other actions or characteristics etc that they may offer.

But do not be confused about the word instant. In fact highly nutritionally-stimulating baits can very easily have great edges over over-flavoured baits. Also, highly stimulating nutritional baits can be over-flavoured; many lines of concepts and approaches to bait design can cross-over, blend and enhance each other. This really struck me when I did some bait testing of various substances for Rod Hutchinson among others around the late eighties when I knew the boilie base mixes had been optimised for nutritional attraction, but were also used with sometimes very significant levels of flavours, and these worked extremely successfully for me as I experimented with different flavour levels!

A good homemade bait maker will maximise his baits for maximum effect, whether he is fishing waters dominated by brands of popular readymade baits or not. One flaw of many anglers fixation with recipes is that you do not necessarily need highly complex recipes to catch loads of fish. For instance there have been countless occasions when a great flavour used in a very low nutritional value bait has caught the biggest fish in a lake long with very significant numbers of other fish. The butyrate in pineapple flavour for instance can be enhanced in various ways so that when it is used even very simple carbohydrate-based baits (which are really basically flavour carriers,) results are pretty good.

Unfortunately there appears to be a mindset among far too anglers these days that for instance a yellow bait should mean it has a pineapple flavour. This kind of thinking really is hilarious and shows just how illogical thinking about baits by many carp anglers has become. For a start, why should you use a yellow bait, why should you use a bait with any significant flavour anyway, and even why should you even use a standard boilie bait at all? How many anglers even know which components within most pineapple flavours actually initiate any response by carp at all?

How many anglers have figured out what tones carp most easily detect in what light and water conditions anyway? It takes work and often long experience to figure out such things in real fishing terms and not merely in theoretical terms. But so many anglers just want it all on a plate, given to them instantly, with a minimum of thought involved. Obviously this mindset leads to stagnation of thinking processes and development of development of the angler in many ways that ruins otherwise great chances and potential opportunities for catches that anglers are simply not aware of! And of course then the bait or rig or conditions or whatever else gets the blame for poor results!

So for you thinking anglers reading this, (and I know you are many otherwise why would you be this article,) an enquiring mind is never satiated, just like a carp should never be satisfied after eating your baits; he should always want more and more!

So now, how about me giving you a few suggestions for formulating your own homemade baits! What kinds of ideas might help you that might well make a difference? Well firstly, do not begin with recipes and do not begin with ingredients. Consider where carp live, how they evolved their bodies in response to the available nutrition they have had in their environment for millennia.

Could it be that the availability of protein-rich mussel, snails and bloodworm for instance influence how external and internal senses and have become extremely sensitive to minute levels of excretions such organisms expel into the water column; thus making them detectable to hungry fish needing the nutrition within those organisms in order to survive. What about digestive juice excretions along the length of the digestive tract of carp and the efficiency of the wall of the tract to absorb digested nutrition; what natural substances and materials have influenced the optimum performance of this structure and the processes that are performed by the body chemistry, and physically too?

When you begin your design with the fish and realise that everything in your bait must be detected by fish within a water environment not an air environment, that too really has a great bearing on your choices and decisions about how important different aspects of your bait will be and how to optimise your baits and their performance most appropriately. For instance it is far better not to boil you baits in water. Apart from damage to nutritional factors that stimulate fish feeding and habitual aspects about baits in regards to repetitive fish feeding, boiling in just water simply leaches out an enormous volume of materials that really should only be leached out when you fish with those baits.

The skins of baits boiled in water are very much leached of attraction to the degree that the smell of the coagulated eggs in baits boiled like this are very obviously apparent; this is definitely not a good thing in the competitive world of carp fishing today, but much worse, you have lost performance!

If you are boiling your baits and the water you boil you baits in is obviously pretty attractive after your boiling of baits that is an obvious sign that you have just lost loads of potential bait performance by losing substances you just leached out of your baits into the boiled water. If nothing else if you must boil baits, add things like molasses, or a sweetener, or enhancer or a syrup, or a soluble extract, or fruit juice or a puree or soluble fish meal, Oxo or Marmite or pure vanilla extract or maple syrup or whatever in order to replace something of what is lost!

Ideally you will fast steam baits if you do heat you baits, but remember that heating baits to make hard baits is certainly far from absolutely necessary. It used to be the case that most leading carp anglers did their fishing using soft soluble paste baits; and these baits caught loads of record carp you know!

So I guess you still want a recipe or some choices for recipes of your own to adapt. OK so you know that starting out your design from the fish perspective is the way to approach things. This means that literally everything you put into your bait has a very significant reason for being there! For instance, the core of a bait might be low temperature fish meal which is an exceptional digestible nutritional food source. You might decide to bind this with perhaps whey protein concentrate.

This exceptional soluble milk provides extremely high quality protein among other factors. You do not need to get into first limiting amino acids etc unless you really do have all the technical data on every single ingredient in your bait; The vast majority of carp baits work in spite of not being optimised for digestion efficiency and much of the protein in high nutritional value baits is not digested nor assimilated for a variety of reasons anyway!

Caseins have been a part of carp bait making for so many years. These have fantastic track record, and various forms can be combined to take best advantage of their impressive essential amino acid profiles which they supply to carp. 90 mesh acid casein for example provides soft centred baits for less dense, softer moister more soluble base mixes when made and can be utilised in an extremely wide range of bait applications. 30 mesh acid casein is a prime ingredient for many applications not just boilies, and pop-up or paste baits. It is ideal for harder more resilient baits against nuisance fish for example and helps binding. Casein has unique properties and a protein content in excess of 90 percent.

Calcium caseinate has been traditionally used in boilies pastes and pop-up mixes in varying levels depending on the buoyancy and density and solubility required as it can be utilised to for all these purposes. It may be used at 4 or 5 ounces per pound in base mixes and even 6 or 7 ounces in buoyant baits. Soluble milk ingredients are a very significant part of carp bait history through the decades so you can imagine how important they are.

I will diverge a bit here and just say you can make a very effective bait just using ordinary wheat flour, betaine, a liquid amino acid, vitamin, mineral and trace element complex along with a subtle flavour, plus maybe additional enhancers, bioactive and metabolic factors, maybe enzyme active substances, and a mixture of protein-based and carbohydrate-based sweeteners. In other words you can easily make fish respond to baits even if they are not high in protein. You base mix does not have to be high in protein at all. In fact it is pretty obvious that much of the proteins available in the very high protein baits of the seventies era for example could not be utilised by carp due to limiting factors for one thing!

Protein ingredients are certainly stimulatory to carp; in fact carp are exceptionally sensitive to the key amines they require for basic survival as the providers of the building blocks of life. They contribute to the make-up of essential substances in carp and humans too, for things such as transporting oxygen to where it is required in chemical processes, and in the production of digestive juices for example. Yes proteins are very vital for life, but certainly not the only answer when formulating successful fishing baits for carp, or catfish, or barbel, or tench or whatever.

I say this because for example, these fish and individuals within each fish species and strain are taste specific, meaning they are more sensitive to various taste substances, and different smell-related components. For example you can do very well on a bait with a particular flavour, but then if you add a particular edible dye in order to produce a highly visual bait you can easily transform that bait into a different maybe less successful bait due to the E numbers in the dye masking significant triggers and attractors within the bait, and such E numbers may even prove to be repellent even though they are classed as edible!

Remember that carp are more than doubly as sensitive as dogs OK! So here is some more food for thought, and I hope this has got your little grey cells buzzing! Revealed in my unique readymade bait and homemade bait carp and catfish bait secrets ebooks is far more powerful information look up my unique website (Baitbigfish) and see my biography below for details of my ebooks deals right now!

By Tim Richardson.

Retrieved from “http://www.articlesbase.com/fishing-articles/homemade-carp-bait-design-formulating-your-own-recipes-for-big-fish-3421331.html

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HOMEMADE CARP BAIT RECIPES and Making Readymade Fishing Baits Catch More Fish!


When you need some powerful advice on designing carp and catfish baits and recipes for boilies, pastes and pellets, here is some very practical advice that really works on big wary fish and easy small fish, that will not merely help your catches right now but improve your understanding of how to achieve better results in summer or winter for years! These bait tips will work for anyone; so read on and reap your big rewards now!


Many anglers want a bait recipe. But how is this going to really help when still fail to create opportunities that are possible to catch more fish, or fail to maximise situations that result in potentially great catches being missed! What is important is that you really get to understand far better what fish are really about and how and why they do what they do in their watery medium. I say this because the watery medium aspect is totally vital in improving your success equation OK!


So many anglers merrily put out free baits and expect miracles. A very big part of fishing success comes down to ground baiting or free baiting skills, knowledge and experience. But remember one key thing. Fish can be excited or repelled by what you put out there and even if your bait is a popular and previously successful readymade bait it can actually work against you or reduce your chances if you do not realise what that bait is doing in the water, how and why it impacts of fish, and why it may make them excited or make them unduly suspicious.


Familiar ingredients additives and flavours can all be a turn off for fish for many reasons right down to simply not requiring the nutrition from a certain bait because they have been filled with them for so long, quite apart from being afraid of familiar baits and their potential dangers of hooks and capture etc.


One thing most anglers must have noticed is how many anglers us the same format of baits these days. Boilies are so commonly used in big carp and catfish fishing, and certainly they catch the majority of big carp around the world. But part of this is because so many anglers use them. I make my own pellets because they are different to standard boilies and unique baits in the presence of very wary fish can be a massive advantage and this is well proven time after time.


Whether you use readymade baits or homemade baits here is one thing I advise you to consider OK! Consider how hard and how well sealed your baits are in water, and how long it takes for the majority of soluble material and liquids to become soluble and become solution as part of the water column – thus attracting fish and inducing feeding type of responses that we require in order to most efficiently hook them.


So many readymade baits are hard, even if they sit in dips or bait soaks for a long time. Such baits might be useful in situations where nuisance fish and crayfish abound but even in such situations I have always found it far more effective to use soluble baits that break down pretty quickly –say within 5 hours as opposed to 12, 24 or 48 hours plus! Ideally what I want is my baits to actually become part of the water and not sitting there as a bed of baits on the bottom.


Even in stronger currents of rivers I aim to have such baits constantly breaking down and pulling in and triggering feeding. For rivers I might make baits square or disc shapes or rectangle odd shapes and make them using certain heavier ingredients but note in such baits you do not have to compromise on bait impacts and you can easily add things like crushed egg and oyster shell to add weight to soluble mixes OK! Crushed finely these kinds of ingredients are great too for when you want to launch hook baits and free baits into the distance.


In fact fishing moving water situations is an ideal place to seriously hone your bait effectiveness skills. Many barbel anglers have benefited from my experience of combining refining baits adapted from carp and catfish recipes, and used in search of river chub and other species where baits get washed out very quickly in moving water.


Imagine the power of being able to refine the impacts and potency of your bait in moving water, and then using those skills in the pretty still waters of lakes for instance. The impacts of such refined, so well adapted baits on fish and fish responses and feeding is hugely increased – by comparison to conventional baits, and catches differ very significantly! This is especially when compared to boilies made using eggs and the boiled or steamed; thus sealing inside the baits the vast majority of more water-soluble material and liquids within these baits!


I like countless anglers used to boil lots of my homemade baits. In fact I regard boiling as very detrimental to your baits in so many ways. All you need to do is compare the amount of stimulating bait material left in the water baits are boiled in, to realise that you are losing loads of potential catching ability of the baits – by leaving it behind in the boiling water!


I noticed my catch rates using homemade boiled baits really improved when I used to boil my baits in water that was first treated with additional soluble substances. Sure some of these lowered the boiling temperature of the water, among other effects but they really worked to improve my catches. For instance you might add condensed milk, evaporated milk, flavours, enhancers, marine and vegetable extracts, Horlicks powders, milk powders, milkshake powders, honey, chocolate source, raspberry puree or tomato puree, salmon, shrimp or crab paste etc, condiments of many kinds, sugars, sweeteners, syrups, yeast powders, enzyme-treated fish or liver among an endless list of others I know work.


The list is endless, but I advise you to look into hygroscopic substances and form you own personal list! But I would not only add these to water if you want to boil your baits, but soak these into readymade baits freshly defrosting, and to air-dried baits and also to particles, pellets, meat and marine baits, ground baits of many kinds including stick mixes, method mixes, spod mixes and so on! Take good note of this and you will reap big rewards! Revealed in my unique readymade bait and homemade bait carp and catfish bait secrets ebooks is far more powerful information – look up my unique website (Baitbigfish) and see my biography below for details of my ebooks deals right now!


By Tim Richardson.

Seize this moment to improve your catches for life with these unique fishing bibles: “BIG CARP FLAVOURS FEEDING TRIGGERS AND CARP SENSES EXPLOITATION SECRETS!” “BIG CARP AND CATFISH BAIT SECRETS!” And “BIG CARP BAIT SECRETS!” For these and much more now visit:




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Homemade Carp Bait Secrets of Enzymes Bacteria Fermentation and Bait Attractors

Ideally, we fishermen would deliver the hook on its own, direct into the mouth of the fish by magic!

Well, there is ‘magic’ available if we look a little deeper…

People have thought of many unique and advanced methods to get their fishing hook delivery ‘fool-proof;’ from using semi-permeable membranes filled with amino acids, to ‘sponge hooks’ full of irresistible goodies! The next best thing is to deliver a bait which is ‘alive’ with amino acids, because it is being actively digested by various means!

There are various enzymes that act upon the different food groups, some which may be sourced, to use in your bait to predigest its food group ingredients, making your bait a far more energy-efficient nutrition source, so making it as attractive as possible:

Proteins (proteases): trypsin pH (3.5 to 6), bromelain pH 3 to 10, papain, acetyltyrosine, actinidine, fincin

Carbohydrates and starch (amylases): amylase, bromelain, diastase

Fats and oils (lipase)

Milk constituents: lactase

White sugar (sucrase): iron sucrose

Malt sugars and grains (maltase, diastase)

Dietary fiber / Cellulose: (cellulase)

The crystalline forms of trypsin, amylase and can be used for example. Fishing bait companies offer it. They are the enzymes the carp use themselves in digestion.

For natural enzymic application, for example, amylolytic yeast strain enzymes have shown similar optimum temperature and pH ranges in tests on wheat, as amylases from bacteria.

Betaine is ‘closely related to’ cystine, and is a proven attractor. Used in bait, it has been claimed to work best with the combined use of plenty of amino acids. It is recommended at 1 to 2 grams per pound, although it is more effective at far higher doses…

It is also used in aquaculture feeds and been used by ‘select’ anglers for years as in ‘Finnstim’ in milk protein baits.

The crystal form of bromelain (from pineapple) is supplied by health food companies as a ‘tonic,’ and taken at up to 1000 mgs a day as a human digestion aid. It efficiently ‘hydrolyses’ most soluble proteins at pH 3 to 10, at a wide range of temperatures for liquid and many amazing carp attracting substances.

Casein, hemoglobin, gelatin, soya protein, fish and shellfish proteins, etc. These are converted to peptides and amino acids. It has (very conveniently for us) a wide range of effective acid-base levels (pH), and temperatures.

Mixed with base mix ingredients, they gradually reduce the structure to a mush, if levels are too high; a teaspoon per pound is sufficient to begin the effect. Once boilies and other baits have been prepared and left to cool and dry after boiling, freeze immediately, to prevent baits predigesting too quickly in advance of fishing. Enzyme-treated baits lose much of their unique attractiveness if the enzyme activity is reduced or stopped for any reason, before ‘backside’ use.

In the 1980s, I once met the world carp record holder (at that time), Kevin Ellis, while he was fishing. He was throwing his free baits out before casting out. He explained that the large drum, full to the top with bait (looked like many ‘kilos’) would all have to go into the water immediately – before it all ‘melted;’ because it was so extremely enzyme-active! (But obviously very highly effective!)

Using enzymes, it’s recommended by some to keep hook baits in a pre warmed flask, e.g. 60 plus degrees, to keep the enzymes active right up to the point of use. This is all worthwhile. Results on such baits can be truly amazing when sufficient bait has been applied to a water, extracting the very biggest fish, even, at times, in days rather than weeks!

I’d always keep my hook baits warm, even if only to allow more bacteria to act and begin ‘bioactive fermentation’ on the bait, making them feel ‘sticky’ and smell slightly ‘sickly’, as sugars and alcohols are produced.

You can use a pre warmed flask to keep your hook baits actively curing, even if you’re not using enzymes in your bait. Getting your baits to begin to ferment is one of the best ways to deliberately maximize your ‘finished’ boilies’ attraction. ‘Bioactivity’ by natural bacterial enzymes can be used on any ‘chemically unpreserved’ fresh or frozen bait.

This is one of the ‘secret’ methods those anglers ‘in the know’ have always used as an edge. Even use it on any frozen fresh shop-bought baits. Defrost them an average 2 to 3 days before use, and keep them warm until use! (Bring them more ‘alive’ by encouraging bacterial ‘bioactivity!’)

It is obvious that bacteria play a vital role in the way carp source and are able to synthesis food because the digestive tract is so short and inefficient compared to our own. The carp digestive tract has evolved in a way that reflects the aquatic food sources available. It seems to extract maximum nutritional benefits in ways that are very different from our own digestion! What a carp eats and how it prefers it in a particular state of breakdown may seem amazing and even disgusting to us!

Did you know that 10 out of 10 dogs prefer their food sweetened! Specialist bacteria are put into dog food to create more of this effect to trigger the dogs into ‘salivating’ and consequently picking up their food and eating it. Dog food companies spend £1000’s in research to develop the best of this effect in their products!

The action of these enzymes has much in common with what we are aiming to achieve, in baits for carp!

Modern ‘Balanced profile’ carp boilie baits mean ‘optimally attractive’, correct ratios of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and supplemental vitamins, minerals, salt, and trace elements. These are not at all necessary to catch carp, but they certainly have many many benefits on catches and carp general health and growth rates!

Remember, the carp has a very short, alkaline digestive tract! Ideally, this food needs to be in a form that is actively breaking down, for the carp to derive best benefits from it, or, in an easily digestible form, like that in bloodworms, fly larvae, shrimps or water snails, etc.

One thing in favour of paste or dough baits and even pellets of different types, is they do not suffer the harmful effects of boiling.

Sometimes, this point is reached in ‘free baits’, days after you’ve gone home, as bacteria act on them in the water. It is more than likely that this is the easiest form for the carp to digest!

The absolute ‘cutting edge’ of carp bait production, may be in keeping enzymes stable in baits after boiling, and may even involve using natural bacterial enzymes in combination with balanced casein / soya bean ‘peptone’ content, for example. It may be possible that more enzymes are produced as more pre-digested materials are produced inside the ‘active’ boilie bait, (like pork or milk, or yeast, or liver extracts,) as bacteria levels are improved and become more abundant?

One important area is the science of retaining enzyme stability in heat and changing pH conditions in the bait. PH ‘buffers’ are involved to protect enzyme potential and activity.

In experiments involving ‘thermos table alkaline enzyme and industrial bacteria’, the best naturally produced, protein digesting enzyme (protease) levels, occurred using: (Peptone 1V), ‘Soy tone’, Corn steep liquor, Casein, Gelatin and beef extract.

Enzyme production using the industrial ‘peptone 1V’ was dependant upon its concentration: too much, and there was an excessive nitrogen build-up, as in amino acids and ammonia, which then reduced the protease production. (The peptone was the nitrogen and carbon source). ‘Soy tone’ produced the second-best enzyme production, and the third was corn steep liquor.

I would surmise from this, that not only can corn steep liquor be effective in translating whole food proteins into digestible forms by bacterial enzyme or other means, but also it may stimulate the production of free L-glutamic acid, within the bait ingredients producing a self digesting, self taste-enhancing bait!

Top catches are mostly achieved by those people who ‘push barriers a little,’ who think and do things a little differently to the majority. So go on; why not be a little bit different; the fantastic rewards are just waiting for you!

The author has many more fishing and bait ‘edges’ up his sleeve. Every single one can have a huge impact on catches.

By Tim Richardson.

For the unique and acclaimed new massive expert bait making / enhancing ‘bibles’ ebooks / books:




Tim Richardson is a homemade carp and catfish bait-maker, and proven big fish angler. His bait making and bait enhancing books / ebooks are even used by members of the “British Carp Study Group” for reference. View this dedicated bait secrets website now…

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Homemade Carp Bait Recipes To Sky Rocket Your Fishing Success!


Think about it – the basic idea of providing wary carp with a new bait to stay ahead of their natural cautions is well proven but the ways to do it have not changed drastically over the decades. But here are innovative solutions that your carp will not have experienced before!

Many anglers use 2 different baits on a hair rig and mostly this is using a buoyant pop-up bait plus a sinking bait to balance it and negate the hook weight (this makes it more difficult for wary fish to detect your hook.) Maybe you have done very well as I have by using 2 or 3 different types of pop-up and sinking baits on single or multiple hair rigs!

Since the early eighties I have really liked using multiple baits but on more than one hair and this idea is becoming fashionable right now – but there are endless variations that would amaze you! The advantage many forms of multiple-hair types of rigs compared to many more standard hair rigs is that you can get your hook inside the mouth of the fish before it even realises it has a hook attached to baits because the hook is that much further in front of the baits – so goes into the mouth before the bait!

Most anglers are fishing with baits fairly tightly next to the hook or fishing baits that get sucked in followed by a hook behind. In both these situations wary carp can either hold baits in their lips and play with a rig to feel for a hook or take the bait in but reject it when they sense the hook for any reason.

Looking at the bigger picture, if you put a thousand anglers on a set of pressured carp lakes and do not even let them use hair rigs of any kind then carp will get caught. But if you say to them you are not allowed to use any currently fashionable or conventional rig at all but must invent your own new versions that may or may not have multiple hairs or multiple baits of literally any kind, then actually catches will improve massively because they fish will not know what has hit them!

The recipe for success is simply to by-pass any reference points that carp have come to associate with danger and in this case with hooks and conventional or standard baits and rig set-ups – so be different and reap the inevitable rewards! Personally whatever is fashionable in the magazines are things I would avoid or simply adapt in my own way so I am not replicating what thousands of my fellow anglers will be doing next weekend!

The fact is that most readymade boilies or pellets have very similar shapes whether round, barrel or pellet-shaped. When you fully appreciate that fish are practicing 24 hours a day at detecting hook baits shaped like this and you actually see the behaviours and feeding motions carp use to avoid getting hooked it basically makes you see how vital is to be different in order to not let carp use their tricks so easily. For instance, on so many so-called anti-eject rigs carp can be seen to actually pick a bait up, sit upright slowly, or spin, shake or do other tricks like lift up the rig or lead with a fin, then up-end and dump the hook and bait back down again. This kind of thing goes on all the time with heavy leads and semi-fixed rigs for instance.

I have never yet found a chemically sharpened hook as effective as a manually honed hook. The first 4 millimetres of a hook are the most important. The angle of the bend and shank and gap of the hook which is the distance between the hook shank and the hook point in effect both make a massive difference in your hooking ration both neither of these are important if your hook penetrates so far but then can be shaken loose – and all non-manually sharpened hooks have this problem.

In 10 years of tests using all kinds of new and old favourite chemically sharpened hooks patterns non has converted as effectively as hooks that have been manually sharpened. It amazes me how many well-known anglers still persist in using chemically-sharpened hooks with a short hook point – for me such hooks are completely useless whether they are specially-angled, have a long curved shank, an in-turned eye, micro-barb or wide gap or whatever.

The best guarantee to initially deep hooking wary fish upon very first contact with a fish is to choose hooks with a longer point that is as thin and as sharp as is possible and I have yet to find any pattern whatever that beats the effectiveness of exceptionally sharp manually honed hooks sharp well beyond their chemically sharpened state in the packet!

My conclusions after years of testing hooks against this manual method is that you might as well put on a rig without a hook on and let every fish pick up your bait then drop it and get away without giving you any indication at all. I know without any doubt whatsoever that so many anglers are missing out on fish due their hooks not being maximised that simply no-one would believe the numbers!

I might be going into areas beyond what so anglers might like to think about but I find that removing the coating from hooks also produces more fish. In part this probably means they do not reflect light under water so well – very few hooks do not reflect light very obviously no matter what colour their coating is. It is very likely also that as hooks with no coating actively rust under water this may actually be attractive or stimulatory to carp in some way and this treatment may also have impacts regarding the electrical field formed around rig swivels and hooks and leads etc that carp can detect – mineral rich natural water is an electrolyte after all!

Most anglers do not appear to fully appreciate that the modern style of sitting behind an array of rods waiting for a run or a few bleeps on alarms requires that a rig actually penetrates and self-hooks fish to the degree that the hook really does penetrate enough into flesh so it stays put long enough for either the fish to decide to move off and give you a run, or for you to strike at a bleep or 2 on your alarms (if you happen to be a sharper carper that is!)

Of all the things I spend time doing in connection with fishing I spend the most time on hook sharpening because after all the efforts involved in making sure everything else is as refined as possible the last 4 millimetres of hook point are ultimately the thing that decides just how many times you will actually properly hook the kinds of oldest biggest wariest of fish that are most skilled at shaking and slipping hooks out after making mistakes on hook baits! (Was that single bleep you had during that last feeding spell yet another lost fish you will never know had picked up your bait but got away with it?!)

More and more often on carp waters today the fish are getting increasingly larger numbers of anglers fishing for them more and more regularly. It is obvious that the result of this is that fish are getting more and more practice at avoiding hooks and slipping hooks – even when initially getting partially hooked.

Wary fish learn by simple association and with most magazine writers using plastic coated rigs or types of stiffer hook-links in short lengths of maybe 4 to 8 inches (and encouraging readers to copy them,) carp very soon learn how to get off such rigs when used so much even though it will appear that such rigs are very effective because a certain percentage of fish still move off and deepen the hook penetration for so fish get caught.

It is a fact that certain fish a far more adept at actually getting off hooks (when initially hooked) compared to other fish – and that some fish are far less skilled. Compared to other fish often the downfall of so-called mug fish is that they just are not as skilled at shaking or twisting off hooks when initially hooked unlike other fish and so they get landed far more frequently than lesser-caught big fish!

Some of the so-called big mug fish in carp waters may have unique genetically related nutritional deficiencies and unique eating requirements or sensitivities to certain substances (or have certain taste specifics.) They may very likely have angler-caused diseases such as vitamin E deficiency caused by consuming large quantities of high oil pellets that anglers today seem addicted to using as free offerings in huge volumes without thinking of the consequences on carp health!

Few anglers actually stop to think to add up the actual volume of high oil pellets and boilies that enter the food chain where numbers of anglers constantly introduce bait on pressured fisheries!

Sure some big fish are far more naturally feeding type fish but all this shows how each and every fish is an individual and treating them as such will definitely help you catch those big wary fish! Revealed in my unique readymade bait and homemade bait carp and catfish bait secrets ebooks is far more powerful information – look up my unique website (Baitbigfish) and see my biography for details of my ebooks deals right now!

By Tim Richardson.

Now why not seize this moment to improve your catches for life with these unique fishing bibles: “BIG CARP FLAVOURS FEEDING TRIGGERS AND CARP SENSES EXPLOITATION SECRETS!” “BIG CARP AND CATFISH BAIT SECRETS!” And “BIG CARP BAIT SECRETS!” For these and much more now visit:


The home of the world-wide proven homemade bait making and readymade bait success secrets bibles and more unique free bait secrets articles by Tim Richardson!

Carp – Best Bait – Potatoes

Stoica A Bogdan asked:

Let me tell you about a homemade bait the tent that my grandfather told me to use (each time he goes fishing he is taking the tent NO?? N meters where he will be using this groundbait). The appearance of modern boilies carp baits have forgotten many traditional tent. Is it good? Are the best boilies? That will remain to you that a judge and a try. Introduction of the old "bait carp fishing, old books recommended bait fishing mainly corn and potatoes for carp fishing. Raw or boiled, potatoes can be in many cases a great bait. There are few wetlands that abound on the banks of the cultivation of potatoes, a fisherman before making a potato, peel it, cut it into cubes and go fishing. A potato cubes stuck on the hook was the bait to catch the beautiful specimens of carp all over Romania 's lakes and rivers Fisheries dominates the recommended time boiling potatoes, it certainly makes them softer, easier to steal (or down) off the hook but the attraction of the tent is higher, and all of us are looking to make the tent attracted by our bait. Well boiled potatoes, tossed with bread and even better garnished with a few grains of corn in the milk were placed in a top secret rubber. How the Danube River you can still see old men fishing with cubes of potatoes and huge carp caught, it makes me believe that potatoes should still blow up, maybe we should give it a try in May.Worth The intent of this old fishing bait carp? YES!

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