Creating a Fish Pond with Variety

In order to create the perfect fish pond in your own garden, you will need a performing pool or foil, pumps, special vegetation and fish. It sounds quite easy but what is really important is the way in which all these elements are combined in order to create the pond of your dreams.

First of all, it is very important to make up a plan of the pond. Its form, dimension and maybe a little waterfall all have to be in complete harmony with the yard you are willing to build it in. You have to avoid the areas close to the trees because leaves may fall and this wouldn’t be very aesthetic for the pond and could even destroy its natural balance. The necessary condition for the existence of a biologic equilibrium is sun light. If the pond does not receive enough sun light, the water temperature does not warm enough and the plants and fish do not evolve adequately.

Moreover, in order to style up the pond, you can give it a geometrical form (circle, rectangle or diamond). This style asks for sober vegetation, like water lilies and some semi aquatic plants. You can also hide the edges of the pond with river rocks or using a multitude of plants in love with watered areas. It also gives the pond a plus in what concerns the style and also contributes to the creation of the natural habitat for the fish that will come up in it.  In addition to this, it is very necessary to project the pond with variable depth. Thus, during the winter, the fish will have deeper areas to stay in and will not be affected by water freezing.

After two or three weeks from installing the pond, you can start to populate it. You may start with plants which evolve best in water, such as myriophyllum, potamogeton, ceratophyllum. They are very useful for fish and for the water oxygenation, stopping the apparition of algae. A very important element is represented by the famous water lilies. The varieties of this species are numerous as well as the form and the color of the flowers. You can combine different colors and different species in order to make the pond seem natural and stylish. In order to plant them, you have to use special baskets with sand covered with gravel as not to spread and to keep the plants very well fixed.

There are also some floating plants which can cover the surface of the pond and can move in the direction of the wind. Some of these plants are the water hyacinth and the water salad, which give the pond an exotic aspect. The bad thing is that these plants don’t survive in the winter. The edges of the pond can be populated with reed, rush, pond iris and pond lily, plants which also survive during the winter. As species of fish, the most recommended ones would be the exotic ones, such as Chinese carp or discus fish. Both of them can be found in different colors, which give the pond a great variety.

Jason Boonstra is the author of “The Ultimate Water Garden Manual” – compulsory reading for anyone considering pond fish species. For a FREE 20 part mini-course on “The Secrets To Creating & Maintaining a Stunning Water Garden!” go to =>